
Power Sharing Deals… New Maneuvers by the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan

Youssef Azzat, political advisor to the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, said that the thinking of the Islamists (Muslim Brotherhood) revolves around power and its return, and in pursuit of this, they are attempting to strike deals in which they distribute power as if they own it, emphasizing that there is no room for a power established by Islamists, even if it involves managing a city in a remote village in the plains of Darfur.

Azzat emphasized in a tweet on the “X” platform that the future of Sudanese people is tied to establishing a future that ends wars and brings all Sudanese back to their cities and villages, achieving justice that includes those who have committed war crimes in the past and have also ignited the current fighting – an implicit reference to the Muslim Brotherhood and the former regime – and justice for victims of past and present wars, and there is no room for deals made behind the backs of the Sudanese people, even if Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo is installed as head of state.

He added that the war that our country has been experiencing since April 15 until now, which has led to all this destruction, displacement, and millions seeking refuge, should lead us as Sudanese, from all our social, political, and cultural components, to think about its causes and to read the history of previous wars, because this war is a natural result of the failure to find a solution equation, and the repeated evasion of the responsibilities of permanent peace.

He continued: “If we want today to preserve a country that brings us all together and realizes the dreams of our people, we must consider this war as the result of political practices gone wrong since independence, and the inclination of successive authorities to rely on the military institution against anyone or group with a legitimate opinion or aspirations to participate in decision-making that determines the fate of the country and its people.”

The political advisor to the commander of the Rapid Support Forces emphasized that the Islamic Front, with its coup in 1989, pushed all the bad practices to their peak, and hastened the end of the state inherited from colonization, as it adopted tribalism, and we witnessed tribal allegiance to the Salvation regime, and all its cadres returned to their tribes to have centers of power within the organization to gain advantages, until every tribe brought its candidates to ministries and localities and concluded its own agreements, and the elite found themselves in a new reality, many went into exile or returned to adopt tribal and regional affiliations, and this is evident today in the positions of some.

Azzat stressed that these questions are necessary for thinking about solutions that take into account the reality, and we must all bet on the Sudanese people in all its components first, second, and thirdly, and the Sudanese people deserve a better life and real solutions, and they are capable of it if they have the tools to make their voice heard.

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