
President of the Tunisian Rescue Front: Disintegration and collapse have affected the Ennahdha Movement

Over the past years, the Tunisian Ennahdha Movement has witnessed a noticeable decline on the political and organizational levels. The Muslim Brotherhood movement is living in a state of disintegration, after everyone revolted around it, and its allies and founders collapsed one after another. It is possible to say that the Brotherhood Ennahdha Movement has ended, even its arms, which it was counting on, no longer has any effect.

Conspiracy against the state

Interestingly, the imprisonment of Ennahdha leader Rached Ghannouchi on charges of conspiring against the security of the Tunisian state and exporting jihadists was unimaginable in the years following the so-called “Arab Spring.” The decisions of Tunisian President Kais Saied are widely accepted, which enhances the legitimacy of power.

An End Without Return

The head of the Front for the Salvation of Tunisia, Mondher Guefrach, said that the movements of political Islam, and at the head of the Ennahdha Movement, have ended without a return, stressing that political Islam is in continuous decline in various countries of the Middle East as a result of the desire of many countries to renew and fight extremism, as it suffered strong blows in Egypt and Tunisia in particular, and the Muslim Brotherhood has become in its worst state.

He added that the important thing in the collapse and disintegration of the Muslim Brotherhood movement is the arrest of Ghannouchi comes after the continuous indicators and evidence of his involvement explicitly in the “conspiracy” against Tunisia, and the attempt to ignite the situation, pointing out that Ennahdha has committed a series of crimes against Tunisians that require urgent accountability, within the framework of the political road map of the country, which mainly aims at combating corruption and corrupters and reforming the political and structural system in the state.

Charges and terrorism

He continued: There are dangerous files that Ennahdha faces before the Tunisian investigation , the first is the case of hundreds of young Tunisians who have traveled to fight alongside the terrorist organizations allied with the Brotherhood in the hotbeds of tension since 2011, and the use of their influence by ruling the country to facilitate those tasks, and the second is the case of the involvement of the special regime or the armed wing of the organization in carrying out the political assassinations that took place in the country in the past years.

He said the current accusations facing the Muslim Brotherhood movement must be resolved and all its leaders banned from practicing politics on charges related to the country’s security and honor.

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