Arabian Gulf

Protection of the rights of People of determination (persons with disabilities)

The United Arab Emirates guarantees people of determination equality with their healthy counterparts and non-discrimination based on their specific needs in all legislation, programs and policies for economic and social development.

Federal Law No. 29 of 2006 is aimed at guaranteeing the rights of people of determination, providing them with all services within their capabilities and means, and ensuring a decent living for them.  According to the law, special needs may not be a reason to deny their owners access to rights and services, particularly in the area of social, economic, health, educational, vocational, cultural and recreational care and services.

The Government of the United Arab Emirates has launched a national policy to enable people of determination to participate actively and on an Equal Opportunities for Them in a Sustainable Society that guarantees a decent life for them and their families.

The United Arab Emirates is making concrete efforts to integrate people of determination into the educational system. Accordingly, people of determination in this category can enroll in any school, without exception.

The State also provides equal and equitable employment opportunities for citizens with disabilities with responsibilities in the public and private sectors. Federal Act No. 29 of 2006 and its amendments guarantee citizens with special needs the right to work and hold public office.

Cabinet Decision No. 43 of 2018 on supporting the work of people of determination aims to support the rights of employers in the field of employment, enable them to access opportunities in a manner that ensures the exercise of their rights to work on an equal basis with others, provide them with the necessary support to search for equal employment opportunities in various sectors, support those who wish to establish private employment for their employers, and outline the obligations of the concerned authorities to realize their rights in accordance with the legislation in force in the State.

The resolution obliges stakeholders to protect their persons with disabilities in ensuring that they have the right to work on an equal basis with others and that they have equal access to employment opportunities in the manner that achieves their highest level of justice and fairness.

The decision stipulated that the Ministry of Community Development should coordinate with the Ministry of Human Resources and Settlement and the Federal Authority for Human Resources of the Government to develop regulations to determine the nature of reasonable accommodation needed by people ofdetermination in the working environment.

The decision stressed the need to provide healthy working conditions for their people of determination and that their services should not be terminated or retired due to disability or its occurrence after appointment, except in the event of reaching retirement age or a decision by the medical committee concerned about the inadequacy of work.

The resolution encouraged the private sector to integrate people of determination into its institutions, grant them exemptions and privileges, in particular those required to employ them, and provide reasonable accommodation provided that the appointment was effective and not formal.

The resolution called on stakeholders not to discriminate against people of determination in the selection and appointment of vacancies, which must be made clear and transparent, and to include in the declaration the name of the contact with whom they can communicate, as well as to give them equal opportunities and sufficient time when conducting tests and job interviews and not to make negative prejudices about their abilities.

The Protection of people of determination from Abuse Policy was launched in 2019 to combat all forms of abuse that can be inflicted on their employers, such as depriving persons with disabilities of the basics of care, rehabilitation, medical care or recreation and community integration, or using them to bring material benefits that are not basically spent on them.

People of determination in the UAE also have the right to receive monthly financial assistance for their social welfare.

In 2018, the UAE launched its Sign Language Lexicon for the Deaf. The dictionary compiles the terms of local sign language in the UAE and documents them in a unified dictionary that aims to serve people of determination, integrate them into society and spread their language to ensure its continuity and growth. This achievement is part of the objectives of UAE Vision 2021, its national agenda and the endeavor to promote a cohesive society that cherishes its identity by providing an inclusive environment that integrates all segments of society.

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