Middle east

Pushing for peace efforts.. “Yemeni presidency” leads extensive diplomatic movement

A broad diplomatic effort led by the Presidential Command Council to push peace efforts forward and pressure Houthi militias to take international, regional, and international initiatives seriously.

The latest of these efforts was a series of separate meetings held by the chairman and members of the Presidential Command Council with the ambassadors of the United Kingdom, Norway, Canada and France to discuss regional and international efforts to alleviate human suffering and revive the political process in Yemen.

The meetings dealt with “developments in the local situation in light of the ongoing developments in the peace process and the efforts of the brothers in Saudi Arabia to consolidate the truce, declare a sustainable ceasefire and complete the process of exchanging prisoners in order to pave the way for a comprehensive Yemeni dialog under the auspices of the United Nations.”

It also stressed “the importance of integrating all efforts in order to push the Houthi militias to deal seriously with the efforts of the brothers in Saudi Arabia and the international community, and to return to an inclusive political process sponsored by the United Nations.”

A reminder of government initiatives

During the meetings, the President of the Presidential Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, emphasized government initiatives for peace and the alleviation of human suffering, including the payment of salaries to education and health workers in areas controlled by Houthi militias.

He pointed to “the unilateral measures taken by the Houthi militias and their confiscation of the revenues from oil derivatives at the Central Bank in accordance with the Stockholm agreement, and the prevention of the circulation of the new edition of the national currency.”

Al-Alimi said, “The Presidential Council and the legitimate government are committed to the path of a just and comprehensive peace, and are fully prepared for this goal, which is in the interest of the Yemeni people and their aspirations to restore state institutions, security, stability and development.”

Southern Issue First

Meanwhile, Vice President of the Presidential Council Major General Aidarous Al-Zubaidi reiterated the Command Council’s support for all efforts aimed at ending the war in the country and restoring peace, security and stability to the region through constructive dialog aimed at finding real solutions to the pivotal issues of the conflict, foremost among them the southern issue.

Al-Zubaidi said the Presidential Command Council made many concessions to ensure the success of efforts led by the UN envoy to launch a comprehensive political process in Yemen that addresses all key issues. “The southern issue will be present there through its own framework within the negotiating team of the Presidential Command Council,” he said.

Houthi escalation

Othman Majali, vice president of the Presidential Council, spoke about “the positive and responsible position of the Leadership Council, the government and the Saudi-UAE-led Coalition to Support Legitimacy, and their keenness on the security and stability of Yemen and the region.”

“The Houthi militias are accustomed to reneging on their pledges, covenants and agreements,” Majli said. “The irresponsible statements of Houthi and the continued military escalation confirm that Houthi will not change his aggressive behavior until the Iranians remove Khomeini’s will from their constitution to export the revolution, violence, terrorism and destruction.”

“What is happening in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria is the result of this destructive terrorist ideology that crosses borders,” he said.

“We will not abandon Sanaa, Saada, Amran, Hajjah, Al-Jawf, Tihama, Dhamar and every inch of our Yemeni land, and this is reinforced by the position of the strong council, officially and popularly,” he said.

“We are for peace, and peace that preserves for our people the freedom to live, believe and express themselves, and to safeguard the rights of women and children,” he said.

“For us in Yemen, women were protected until the Houthi militias brought them the worst forms of human abuse and imposed restrictions that are not part of our society’s values,” he said. “Imprisonment for citizens at al-Houthi is even due to the use of social networking sites.”

“We respect our partners in the Arab coalition and trust their positions and efforts to achieve peace, which we are sure will not undermine the references and will only serve the interests of the Yemeni people, while the Houthi movement did not realize the true meaning of peace for 19 years and his wars against the people of Saada are the best proof of that, ” he added.

The ambassadors praised the Presidential Command Council’s constructive and positive stance and its understanding of the need for lasting peace among the Yemeni people, hoping that Yemenis will pay attention to building what has been destroyed by the war and to returning citizens to their homes in safety.

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