Arabian Gulf

Reliable Source: UAE feel that its their government is unjustly accused

Recently, Mogadishu accused Abu Dhabi saying that it seed instability in the region and makes efforts to change the African country on another Yemen or Libya when confrontations between the government and opposition forces exploded in the African country with the presence of failure to reach a decision about the date of general elections.

In fact, a reliable source has links to the decision-making circles in the Gulf revealed to Sputnik on Monday that the UAE has not relation with the disorder in the African country and that it was not interested in the destabilization of the already-ruined region.

This actually comes as disorder remains in Somalia and the country’s government and its opposition fight to reach an agreement about the date of the general elections that should took place on 8 February, however, they finally delayed after the parties’ inability to decide how these elections should be held.

That in fact reached a boiling point on Friday as government security forces confronted with opposition forces, which led to the murder of five soldiers in the country’s capital Mogadishu; dozens of others were injured, including civilians. 

International Pressure Grows

After Friday’s bloody clashes, several regional and international players have denounced the situation and called the two parties to self-control. 

Moreover, Saudi Arabia published a statement, on Saturday, said that it was following the events in Somalia with great concern and appealed the parties to reach a solution by peaceful means.

Furthermore, the African Union, the United Nations and the European Union, as well as the Gulf Cooperation Council, took also similar steps and called on the sides to sit down for talks to reach an agreement on a date for elections. The Somali government didn’t like the calls for de-escalation and on Sunday, Mogadishu accused the external forces that were allegedly fuelling the disorder.

Committed to Regional Security 

However, during years, the UAE continued its commitment for helping to maintain the stability of the region. Trade economy-dependent Abu Dhabi admitted the importance of Somalia’s strategic position next to the Gulf of Aden, Bab al Mandeb and the Red Sea, which is one of the most important routes for world maritime trade.

This is why Abu Dhabi built and maintained a number of important projects in the area, including ports and airports, and this is why the Arab nation has provided Mogadishu with heavy assistance in the presence of the coronavirus pandemic.

Currently and nevertheless, the source stated that the authorities in the UAE feel that their efforts have been largely forgotten and that their government is unjustly blamed, simply because it predicted the unrest.

The source also said: The current transitional government has to take responsibility [for its actions] instead of blaming others. It needs to start acting on resolving the unrest by going into elections and let the people of Somalia voice their choice.

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