Middle east

Rights activist: Houthis target medical facilities and personnel to torture the Yemeni people

The Houthi terrorist militia continues its terrorism against the health sector in Yemen, where the Houthi militia continues its acts of robbery, looting and extortion in the health sector. As the health sector continues to collapse rapidly and more than half of its facilities are no longer functioning, the Houthis continue to commit new violations against many medical facilities and personnel in areas under the group’s control.

Houthi abuses

A report from Roaya network said that these Houthi crimes have led to an almost total lack of medical services, the spread of many diseases and epidemics, and the spread of corrupt medicines, in full view of the coup authorities that did not move any inhabitants. The Houthi violations have varied between crimes of tampering, corruption, raids, closures, confiscation, the imposition of financial duties under different names, and the kidnapping of workers in the sector, which has led health service fees to jump to unprecedented numbers in areas under the control of the group.

Yemeni medical sources warned of the increasing dangers still besetting the health sector and its employees in areas under the control of the Houthi militias, who bear full responsibility due to the unprecedented deterioration of health conditions, especially in Sanaa and the rest of the cities under their control.

Ongoing crimes

Dr. Ahmed Jabbari, a Yemeni political and human rights analyst, says that the Houthi terrorist violations are escalating the suffering and insomnia of thousands of residents from the almost total lack of medical services, the outbreak of many diseases and epidemics, and the widespread spread of corrupted medicines in front of the eyes of the coup authorities who did not move any inhabitants.

The crimes of tampering, corruption, raids, closures, confiscation and the imposition of financial taxes under various names have all jumped to unprecedented figures in areas under the group’s control, he said.

Human rights reports confirmed that Houthi violations ranged from direct killings, injuries, detention and forced disappearance of medical staff, medics and others, to summary executions and sexual assaults, to targeting medical facilities with mortars and Katyusha rockets, to explosions, booby-traps, looting, closure and confiscation of other facilities, in addition to the militias’ seizure of medical relief aid, trading in medicines on the black market and depriving civilian patients of them.

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