
Russian-Afghan talks on Taliban delegation’s visit to Moscow

A Russian Foreign Ministry source revealed Friday that Moscow and Kabul are discussing the possibility of a delegation from the Taliban government to visit Russia.

Afghan Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Zabiullah Mujahid said that Kabul seeks such contacts.

Regarding the upcoming visit to Moscow by a Taliban government delegation, Mujahid said: « Of course, we are waiting for the visit to Moscow. We have no problem. We demand high-level relations with the Russian Government, and Russia is an important country alongside us, and there will come a time when we will see strong relations between Kabul and Moscow»

The Deputy Minister of Culture and Information expressed his conviction of Russia’s ability to play the role of mediator between Kabul and the United Nations in addressing a number of outstanding issues, the most important of which is the lifting of sanctions.

The governments of the world, including Russia, have yet to recognize the government formed by the Taliban to run the affairs of Afghanistan, on the condition that its recognition meet several conditions, foremost of which is guaranteeing freedoms and respecting the rights of women and allowing those who want to leave Afghanistan to do so.

On August 15, the Taliban expanded its control over Afghanistan and entered Kabul forming an interim government to rule the country as former President Ashraf Ghani fled from the country.

The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan culminated in weeks of military operations against government forces, coinciding with the withdrawal of US-led foreign forces, which was completed at the end of last month.

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