
Russian website defends UAE after accusations of instability in Somalia

Russian website: Somalia unfairly accused UAE of instability

Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo, outgoing Somali president for more than two weeks, has plunged the country into a dark tunnel threatening the return of the specter of civil war and terrorism in light of his accession to the seat of government and his successors to the seat power and the delay in holding the long-awaited elections, amid widespread public anger and criticism from opposition forces and presidential candidates.

With these tensions in Somalia, the transitional government attempted to blame the UAE for acquitting her with the major political crisis in which the country erupted, however, the UAE’s support for Somalia, whether humanitarian or political, was enough to deny the hostile statements of the men of Farmajo.

In this context, the Russian site Sputnik published an article by writer Elizabeth Bled in which she discusses Somalia’s accusation that the United Arab Emirates have unjustly destabilized the region and the efforts to convert the African country into Libya or in another Yemen with the outbreak of clashes between the government and opposition forces in the African country, due to the lack of agreement on the date of the elections, according to what was quoted by a reliable source linked to the decision-making circles of the Gulf.

Sputnik cited the source as confirming that the UAE has nothing to do with the unrest in the African country and that she is interested in destabilizing the already troubled region, indicating that the current transitional government should take responsibility [ of his actions] instead of blaming others. They should start working to resolve the unrest by going to the elections and letting the Somali people express their choice.

This disclosure comes with the lingering unrest in Somalia as no consensus was reached on a date for the general election which was due to take place on February 8, but which was postponed, which sparked a wave of boiling on Friday when the forces security forces clashed with the opposition forces. As a result, five soldiers were killed in the country’s capital, Mogadiscio, and dozens more, including civilians, were injured.

It should be noted that the UAE has indeed made a commitment, over the years, to help maintain the stability of countries in the region, including Somalia, and has built and maintained a number of important projects, including ports and airports, and also provided significant assistance to Mogadiscio amid the coronavirus pandemic.

However, the source claims authorities in the UAE believe their efforts have been largely overlooked and their government is being unfairly thrown out simply because they anticipated unrest.

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