
Sabotage and destruction.. Houthi militia target Aramco and oil installations in Saudi Arabia

Of sabotage, destruction, and threats, summarizing the Houthi militia’s targeting of civilian facilities in Saudi Arabia, after it launched a hostile attack targeting the water desalination plant in Al Shuqaiq and the Aramco facility in Jizan, where the militia stepped up its hostile attacks targeting economic installations and civilian objects, confirming and demonstrating Houthi plans.

Attacks against Aramco

The Houthi attacks, according to the Arab coalition, included the Aramco distribution station in Jizan, the privately owned gas and industrial plant in Khamis Mushait, and the Saudi Aramco liquefied gas plant at Yanbu, and a limited fire at one of the tanks at Aramco’s oil products distribution station in Jeddah.

An official from the Saudi Ministry of Energy said the attack, which targeted a number of gas and oil plants in the kingdom, did not cause any injuries or deaths, the official Saudi Press Agency reported.

The Saudi source said that the oil products distribution station in Jizan was attacked by a remotely piloted plane, as well as the Yanbu natural gas plant and the facilities of the Yanbu Refinery Company were attacked by two separate remotely piloted aircraft. The attack on the facilities of the Yanbu Sinopec refinery company resulted in a temporary decrease in the level of production of the refinery, and this decrease will be compensated for by the stock.

International accounting

Despite the international sanctions imposed on the terrorist militia, it is still escalating its terrorist operations to target vital installations in Saudi Arabia. The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfield, strongly condemned the Houthi attack on civilian infrastructure in Saudi Arabia, confirming via Twitter that the United States is renewing its commitment to the security of the Kingdom and the Gulf, and will look for additional options to hold the Houthis accountable through the United Nations.

Oil targeting

Saudi writer and analyst Majed Al-Majid asserted that the repeated Houthi attacks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia threaten to increase the global oil crisis, and that this attack reflects the position of the Houthi terrorist militia in sabotaging countries.

In press statements, he pointed out that the Houthi terrorist attacks are not directed against the Kingdom alone, but against international oil supplies, which is what the terrorist militia is seeking. He noted that the Kingdom’s war against Houthi militia, followed by Iran, repels the world of great danger, and wondered about the ability of the global economy to bear the price of a barrel of oil to $150, were it not for the defense of the Saudi air force.

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