
Salah Abdulhaq Selected as General Guide for London’s Muslim Brotherhood Front… Have Brotherhood’s Attempts at Reform Failed?

Since the death of Muslim Brotherhood leader Ibrahim Munir last November, the Brotherhood’s crises have increased, and the organization’s collapse has become confirmed day after day, with the worsening of internal disputes and divisions. This became apparent after difficult secret deliberations and shuttle visits between the rival Brotherhood’s fronts, in order to agree on a personality who will manage the remaining of the Brotherhood’s future.

The move confirmed the failure of negotiations between the London and Istanbul fronts, with the inclusion of any prominent figures on both fronts to lead the Brotherhood, whether Mahmoud Hussein from the Istanbul Front, who has appointed himself Supreme Guide, or Hilmi al-Jazzar from the London Front, because of Mahmoud Hussein’s insistence on his right to lead the group, in exchange for Munir’s insistence on his expulsion.

Salah Abd Al-Haq is in charge of the leader and a new collapse in the group
Salah Abd Al-Haq is in charge of the leader and a new collapse in the group

Salah Abdulhaq was chosen after the apologies of the leaders in the London Front, Mohammed Abdul-Muti Al-Jazzar and Mohammed Al-Desouki, for health reasons. Mohamed Al-Beheiry was hesitant to lead the Brotherhood, as Salah Abdulhaq was considered the most appropriate leader, provided that Mohieddin al-Zayt would assume responsibility for the Egyptian organization inside and outside the country, and Mahmoud Al-Iberi as the Secretary-General of the international organization.

Salah Abdulhaq is considered a member of the 1965 organization and accused number 33 in the first case with Sayyid Qutb and the leaders of the organization. He is a member of the generation of Mohammed Badie, the Supreme Guide, Mahmoud Ezzat, Mohammed Al-Beheiry, and Mohammed Abdul Muti Al-Jazzar.

He was also accused in the 33rd case of Sayyid Qutb, while still a student at the Faculty of Medicine at Ain Shams University. At the time, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison, then he traveled to Oman at the beginning of the Brotherhood’s spread in the Gulf, then settled in Saudi Arabia for a long time.

As a 1960s-generation man, he attended the ordeal of imprisonment (in the Brotherhood’s tradition), excelled at his educational and advocacy lectures, was not known to have held senior management positions in the organization, and was a member of the Brotherhood’s Shura Council, not involved in any leadership or financial struggle.

However, he is not known for his doctrinal or political opinion, which is contrary to the group’s choices. He has taken over some educational duties in the international organization, did not acknowledge the mistakes of the group or reviewed its ideas, and has taken over educational and advocacy work for Brotherhood members, in which the principles and principles of the group are firmly established.

Abdulhaq is considered a Muslim Brotherhood theorist, a historian, an education official in the organization, and a former head of the education department in the international organization. He was chosen for this position because of the will of Ibrahim Munir, a member of the Shura Council of the Ibrahim Munir Front.

He was chosen because many Brotherhood members believe that the 1960s and Qutbists are the only remaining generation deserving of leadership, due to the end of the (private) armed secret organization generation.

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