Arabian Gulf

Saudi Arabia calls on the Security Council to classify the Houthis as a terrorist group; details

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia renewed its demands to include the Houthi militia in terrorist groups, while at the same time affirming its continued support for international efforts to bring peace to Yemen. The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Houthi terrorist militia has been active in Yemen since the beginning of the year.

Houthi terrorism

“For the first time, the UN Security Council issued a strongly worded statement last week, holding the Houthi group responsible for blocking the process of reaching an agreement to extend the truce, demanding that Houthi cease provocative and military operations in the region, Yemen and the Red Sea, and calling on it to return to the dialog table”, said Saudi Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Dr. Abdulaziz Alwasil.

International community

The ambassador added that the international community, after the Houthi stance rejecting the truce and reaching a peaceful solution, should “reconsider the extremist group that is hijacking the whole future of Yemen”, adding that it is time to classify that Houthi militia as a terrorist group, boycott it and dry up its sources of funding.

The call came as Yemeni Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Muammar al-Eryani called for the international community to review its handling of the Houthi militia and take decisive decisions against it by classifying it as a terrorist group, banning the travel of its leaders and freezing its assets, and prosecuting its leaders, foremost among them Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in the International Criminal Court as war criminals.

Why is the international community silent?

Dr. Mohamed Al Zulfa, former Saudi parliamentarian and political analyst says: The society is silent about the Houthi militia’s terrorism and extremism in Yemen and the region to implement the Iranian plans, pointing out that the international community has a direct responsibility towards this silence on Houthi crimes.

The former Saudi MP added that Saudi Arabia is moving in front of the world, the Security Council and the United Nations to demand that the Houthi group be designated a terrorist group, for its criminal and terrorist acts that harm the security of Yemen and the Arab countries, and for the losses it causes in oil due to the ongoing terrorism.

Crimes and terrorism

“Saudi Arabia is leading the region to safety through its continuous efforts to defeat Houthi terrorism and even to act internationally against this terrorist militia that is targeting the security and stability of the region”, said Abdulhafeez Nahari, a Yemeni political analyst.

The Yemeni political analyst added that there are many human rights and international reports condemning this terrorist group, so why doesn’t the Security Council and the United Nations issue their resolutions to list Houthi as a terrorist group? He pointed out that there is a great danger facing the stability of the region as a whole, and if no action is taken to confront it, the terrorist militia will continue its crimes.

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