
Selling illusions and offering false hope… Why is the Muslim Brotherhood calling for reconciliation?

Journalist Hussein Al-Qadi revealed in an article published in Al-Watan newspaper the reason behind the Muslim Brotherhood’s efforts to seek reconciliation with the Egyptian state.

Al-Qadi explained that the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to break out of its isolation and give hope to its followers, both in prison and outside, by talking about reconciliation, in which the group would abandon political activities in exchange for the release of detainees.

He added that the group periodically attempts to sell illusions to its followers by suggesting a potential deal between the government and the Brotherhood, aiming to show that the group still has leverage, influence, and negotiation power. In reality, the group has lost all such means and has nothing left to offer its followers but more illusions, which prolong their false hope.

The journalist further clarified that what the group is doing is giving hope to its imprisoned members to keep them steadfast, despite the fact that their fate is sealed.

Al-Qadi also referenced the intellectual reflections of Amr Abdel Hafiz, a former Brotherhood member, who stated that the group does something similar with its followers. Reality shows that the Brotherhood has been defeated, and its chances of return and recovery are extremely slim, if not impossible. If this belief reaches the group’s members and supporters, the organization will collapse from within, lose its cohesion, and become incapable of survival. The solution, then, is to create hope, even if it’s false, to raise the morale of its members and help them endure for as long as possible, in hopes that circumstances may change in the short or long term.

Al-Qadi explained that this false hope is created by the Brotherhood’s rhetoric: sometimes by misleading their followers into believing that a reconciliation is imminent and will end their suffering, and other times by convincing them that the economic situation is extremely dangerous, that a hunger revolution is near, or that there are internal conflicts within the military institution. These illusions are akin to anesthetic injections to dull the patient’s pain, and as soon as the effect of one wears off, they inject another immediately.

The Brotherhood has lost its ability, vision, hope, effectiveness, and influence on the ground. It is suffering from crises, divisions, confusion, internal fractures, and splintering, and is incapable of making decisions. Achieving reconciliation with a group accused of terrorism and incitement is impossible.

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