
Serious Threat to Peace: UN Security Council Condemns Houthi Terrorist Attacks on Dabba Port

Members of the United Nations Security Council strongly condemned the attacks of the Houthi terrorist militia with drones on the oil port of Dabba in Hadhramaut province on Friday.

In a statement issued Wednesday, council members said “these attacks are a serious threat to the peace process, as well as to the stability of Yemen.”

Council members also stressed that the attacks “also threaten maritime rights and freedoms, as provided for by international law”.

The members said that “any escalation will aggravate the suffering of the Yemeni people,” and called on the Houthi terrorist militia to “immediately stop these attacks and respect the obligations under international humanitarian law.”

Council members also called for “giving priority to the Yemeni people and engaging constructively in efforts to renew a truce.”

They reiterated their support for the efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, in his efforts to find a negotiated and comprehensive political settlement on the basis of the agreed terms of reference.

In a statement on Saturday, the Special Envoy condemned the attack claimed by the Houthi terrorist militia, describing it as a “very worrisome military escalation”.

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