
Shabwah raises up by a popular revolt against the Brotherhood

Thousands of Shabwah districts gathered in the city of Ataq on Saturday in response to a call by the province’s Transitional Leadership to reject any Yemeni political activity in the south and return to the province.

Rejecting the Brotherhood

Speaking at the event, Brigadier General Ali al-Jubwani, head of the executive committee of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Shabwah, rejected any attempt to return the tools of the Yemeni occupation to the south. He added that these entities should direct their efforts to liberate their areas from the control of Houthi terrorist militias.

Al-Jubwani said Shabwah has returned to light with the sacrifices of the people of the south, following the defeat of the criminal militia. He stressed the need to move steadily towards the goals for which the heroic martyrs sacrificed, foremost among them the goal of liberation, independence and the restoration of full sovereignty to the southern state.

Al-Jubwani noted that the people of Shabwah province, like the rest of the southern provinces, are suffering from the war of services that the parties that wield power of decision-making in order to bring the people of the south to their knees. He called for support for the efforts of the governor, Sheik Awad Ibn Al-Wazir, to develop and fight corruption, which has spread in state institutions.

Al-Jubwani concluded his speech by thanking the countries of the Arab coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for the great support they provided to liberate Shabwah from the criminal Houthi militias. He called on the sponsors of the Riyadh Agreement to exert more pressure on the other party to complete the implementation of the agreement’s provisions.

Leaders and members of the Shabwah Transitional Council, tribal sheiks, social figures and representatives of civil society organizations participated in the event, expressing their rejection of the presence of any Yemeni political entities in their province and the south in general.

Participants raised the flag of the state of the south, pictures of President Commander Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, head of the Southern Transitional Council, and banners expressing categorical rejection of the return of Yemeni parties to work in Shabwah and the south and confronting any activity by these parties and their remnants.

Thousands of residents from Shabwah’s districts flocked to the capital, Ataq, to participate in the event. The Southern Transitional Council in Shabwah called on the province’s residents to actively participate in today’s demonstration and reject any non-southern components in Shabwah.

Foiling Brotherhood Plans

In a new attempt to terrorize the people, saboteurs belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist a sound bomb near the square in an attempt to destabilize the ineffectiveness of Yemeni components in Shabwah in an attempt to thwart the effectiveness.

According to local sources, the explosion was caused by a sound bomb thrown at the event in an attempt to thwart the event. No harm occurred and the event continued.

Over the past few hours, Southern tweeps have released the hashtag of Shabwah rejecting the remnants of the occupation, in reference to the entities paid by the Sanaa powers.

South wins

A protest Saturday in the Ataq district of Shabwah governorate against Yemeni entities called on the countries sponsoring the Riyadh Agreement to pressure the so-called legitimacy to implement its provisions and accept the full deployment of the elite in the province.

In a statement, it stressed the support of the governor of Shabwah and his efforts to extricate the province from its crises to alleviate the suffering of citizens. The statement confirmed the people’s categorical rejection of declaring or declaring any Yemeni entity in Shabwah after the sacrifices of the people of the south to liberate Shabwah from the Houthi terrorist militia.

The crowds expressed their full support for the Southern Transitional Council, led by President Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, and its efforts to wrest the state of the south and establish it on its entire borders.

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