
Signs of a crisis on the horizon for the Eastern Mediterranean

Mediterranean gas
Yavuz is the name of the Turkish ship that will begin gas exploration
from August 18 this year.
Turkey is deploying its operations to explore gas fields near the coast of Cyprus
while Greece alerts, announcing that it will block exploration attempts
What’s the history of this conflict?
A prospecting ship has been sent by the Turkish authorities to begin exploration
This area is considered by Cyprus to be part of its Exclusive Economic Zones
and Turkish exploration is considered that as a violation of navigation rights
Cypriot President: “The European Union will take a stricter position against Turkey due to its attempt to explore gas in waters in which the eastern Mediterranean island enjoys exclusive economic rights”
while Ankara defends the drilling as its legitimate right to protect the rights of Turkish Cypriots
Turkish Navy: We strongly advise to not go to the exploration area
Greece is not alone that is expressing its disapproval of the Turkish decision
and European foreign ministers have expressed their solidarity, calling for a decrease in tensions
While France has strengthened its military presence as a support to Athens
Egypt has signed an agreement with Greece to delimit the maritime borders between them
This step aims to coordinate efforts to benefit from the region’s resources,

noting that it includes enormous reserves of natural gas, estimated at 3.5 trillion cubic meters.

An escalation will appear in the coming days about this question?

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