
Sisi : Calls for Reinforcing Arab Solidarity

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has called for joining efforts to reinforce solidarity among the Arab countries, affirming that the security of the Gulf region is an inseparable part of Egypt’s security.

This came during a meeting held between Sisi and Kuwait Foreign Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah.

The two men discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries, and the latest Arab and regional developments, especially the situation in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

The Kuwaiti FM delivered a written message from Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Egyptian presidential Spokesman Ambassador Bassam Radhi said in a statement.

In the letter, Kuwait’s Emir “expressed the Kuwaiti government and people’s pride of the strong historical ties, relations uniting both countries and its people in various fields,” the spokesman said.

It also expressed Kuwait’s appreciation for the strategic Egyptian role in protecting Arab national security and defending the Arab nation’s causes, as well as Egypt’s tireless efforts to consolidate security, stability, and development at the regional and international levels.

For his part, Sisi extended his greeting to the Emir and stressed the special and rooted bilateral relations and coordination regarding issues of mutual concerns at international and regional forums.

Sisi also expressed Egypt’s keenness on developing cooperation between the two countries and their peoples.

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