
Son of Gaddafi’s Intelligence Chief found dead… “Assassination” between two narratives

Corpse dead Sources say that the son of Abdullah Senussi, the Libyan Intelligence Chief under the regime of the late leader Muammar Gaddafi, has been found.

Although no official information about the incident or confirmation from the young man’s family is available, there are conflicting accounts of the possible assassination between those who say Mohamed Senussi was found shot dead and those who say he died from a knife stab.

Between the two stories, social media is jammed with screenshots of Senussi’s son from a video documenting the young man’s last appearance months ago.

Activists of the former regime say he was found shot dead in the southern Libyan city of Sebha.

Other activists said he was found dead at a break in Sabha after an argument with one of his cousins, who they said had died from stabbing and not from gunshots.

Abdullah Senussi’s son last appeared in December 2022, threatening to close down all government institutions in southern Libya if the government did not release his father and his father’s companions.

Ahmed is one of Senussi’s sons who is very active in his father’s case and has been demanding that the Libyan government release him.

According to Libyan analysts, the confirmation of the news will be a blow to the prestige of the al-Senussi family, who are members of the Maqarah tribe, an important component in the south and are stationed near Libya’s water tanks within the Great Man-made River system, and enjoy widespread sympathy.

It is not yet known whether the killing of Senussi’s son, if confirmed, is linked to his father’s cause or has any political dimensions, or is the result of a dispute or quarreling, whether familial or otherwise.

For months, the family of Abdullah Senussi has been leading pressure for his release, amid fears that he would meet the same fate as Abu Oujeila Masoud Al-Merimi, a Lockerbie suspect who was handed over by Tripoli authorities to the US judiciary for trial, especially as his name was mentioned in investigations related to the famous incident.

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