
Southern Yemen: The Devastation Caused by the Diabolical War Led by the Muslim Brotherhood and Houthi Militias

The suffering of the southern provinces continues due to armed conflicts and conspiracies of evil and terrorism forces represented by the Muslim Brotherhood and Houthi militias, which have affected the stability of the security situation. This has added more pressure on citizens struggling to meet their daily needs.

These areas are witnessing a sharp rise in the prices of basic commodities, a deterioration in health and education services, and a severe shortage of energy and water supplies. This explains the increasing reliance on humanitarian aid, while residents continue to face difficulties in adapting to the current conditions, according to a report published by the local website “Aden Time.”

The Houthi militia controls vast areas in the north, while the Brotherhood seeks to extend its influence over several areas in the south, exacerbating conflicts and clashes that have disrupted the economy and directly affected the agricultural and commercial sectors, as well as natural resources like oil and gas.

Meanwhile, the looting of wealth in the southern regions, rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, and minerals, is escalating, sparking widespread public outrage and fueling growing protests against the unfair exploitation of these resources. State-affiliated obstructing militias are involved in exploiting these riches while marginalizing the southern people and depriving them of the real benefits of these revenues, according to the report.

Thousands of southern residents have taken to the streets in demonstrations and protests demanding a fair distribution of wealth and the provision of job opportunities. They emphasize the need to end corruption and mismanagement, calling on the Yemeni government and the international community to intervene to ensure their rights and protect their resources from unjust exploitation.

In light of this escalation, experts warn that the continued looting of southern resources without a swift resolution may worsen the humanitarian and political situation in the region, threatening the fragile stability and further complicating the Yemeni crisis.

Reports indicate that the intertwining interests between the Houthis and the Brotherhood are hindering any real efforts to rebuild the economy or achieve stability, as resources are being directed toward funding wars and conflicts instead of improving the lives of citizens.

The southern people hold the conflicting parties responsible for destroying the economic infrastructure in their region, warning that if the situation persists without effective international intervention, a complete collapse may occur, which will be difficult to overcome in the near future.

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