State of Panic and Anxiety among Houthi Terrorist Militias… Precautionary Measures Taken

Houthi terrorist militia leaders are gripped by fear and anxiety, anticipating targeted assassinations in upcoming U.S. airstrikes on their camps and residences in Sanaa and other militia-controlled areas.
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Sources cited by (Al-Muntasaf Net) indicate that many militia leaders have changed locations and stopped using communication devices, fearing new airstrikes.
According to these sources, several Houthi leaders have vanished from public view in Sanaa, particularly after reports confirmed the deaths of senior militia figures, including the personal security chief of Houthi leader Abd al-Rub Jarfan, as well as key intelligence officers in Sanaa, Al-Bayda, Dhamar, and Saada. However, the Houthis continue to conceal the identities of those killed.
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Reinforced Security Measures
In this context, well-informed sources revealed that the Iran-backed Houthi militias have taken strict precautionary measures, including moving their leaders to fortified locations and frequently changing their residences to avoid being targeted.
The sources also disclosed that high-level orders have been issued for a widespread evacuation of homes and secret shelters in multiple provinces following U.S. airstrikes on command centers and residences in Sanaa and Saada.
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The directives include relocating top Houthi leaders from their usual residences in Al-Jiraf Al-Gharbi and Hamdan (northwest of Sanaa), as well as from mountainous areas overlooking Al-Thalathin Street to the west and the northern outskirts of the governorate.
According to the same sources, these orders have been accompanied by tightened security measures within the upper ranks and a strict ban on communication between leaders, even to check on each other’s safety.
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Local sources further confirm that the Houthis have emptied their missile storage facilities, transferring these weapons to underground locations in anticipation of further airstrikes. Additionally, heavy military equipment has been moved to the western coastal fronts, reflecting growing tension within the militia amid a possible escalation of U.S. military action.
This follows a series of U.S. airstrikes that have targeted hidden Houthi leaders and the militia’s arms depots in several occupied Yemeni provinces.
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