Sudan – The Brotherhood seek to return to the political scene in Khartoum

The terrorist Brotherhood’s plans in Sudan continue to exist in the political scene in Khartoum and to implement its absurd plans in the region, after the dissolution of the National Congress Party, the political arm of the terrorist group. The Brotherhood has worked to return through the so-called broad Islamist movement, which was recently established.
Brotherhood changes Skin
The return of the terrorist Brotherhood began once again after Sudanese Islamist groups and parties signed a declaration establishing the Broad Islamic Movement, most notably the Sudanese Islamic Movement, the organizational reference of the dissolved National Congress Party, after the April 2019 revolution. It came from the two signatories of the founding declaration, the Sudanese Islamic Movement, the Movement for Reform now, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Platform for Just Peace, the State of Law and Development Party, and the Future Movement for Reform and Development.
There have been numerous reports of crises in Sudan over the past period caused by the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group, which is seeking to change itself and return to the scene in a new garment of political currents in Sudan to carry out its destructive plans after looting the wealth of the Sudanese people over the past years.
Brotherhood plan in Sudan
Observers have confirmed that all the Brotherhood leaders are in control of the broad Islamist movement, which is currently the new arm of the terrorist group in Sudan. They are changing their skin for the fourth time under the name of a new movement, since the emergence of the Brotherhood organization in Sudan in 1949, the organization has changed its names several times, from the Islamic Liberation Movement to the Muslim Brotherhood organization, then the Charter Front, then the Islamic Front, and finally the National Conference, from which the People’s Congress was derived in the 1990s.
Spoiling the Sudanese scene
Regarding the plans of terrorism and its elements, the names of Ghazi Salah al-Din al-Atabani, the president of the Reform Movement, and Ali Ahmed Karti, an Islamic leader and a leader of the National Congress Party, are linked to many terrorist cases throughout the years when the Brotherhood controlled the government in Sudan. There were many Sudanese reports that they were involved in stealing the money of one million Sudanese over the past years, in addition to working to distort all Sudanese officials after the Sudanese revolution in order to return them to power. They also contributed to the corruption of the Sudanese political scene through their schemes that serve the Brotherhood.
Their own interests
The Brotherhood’s actions have never changed in years, says Sudanese columnist Mohamed Al-Tayeb. The Brotherhood’s actions are exactly the same as the previous approach of changing the names of the current movements, but the Brotherhood remains the same. The Brotherhood is only seeking to return to the political scene at the expense of the nation, like the rest of the countries, and it is not concerned with the interests of the people but with their own interests at the expense of others.
The Sudanese writer added that the organization has lost in recent years, due to corruption, terrorist adventures, tyranny, and monopoly of power. The Sudanese people will never accept any presence of them in the scene again, as these attempts to change their skin are failed and will not achieve anything, especially since those in charge of this new movement, which stemmed from the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group, are involved in many crimes against Sudan, including the looting of Sudanese money and other charges against members and leaders of the terrorist group.
Involved in corruption and looting
He went on to say that there are Brotherhood leaders like Ghazi Salah al-Din al-Atabani, the head of the Reform Movement; Ali Ahmed Karti, an Islamic leader and one of the leaders of the National Congress Party, who worked on the return of the terrorist group under the pretext of changing their activities in a new name, although they are involved in looting the Sudanese people’s money and corrupting the Sudanese affairs. In essence, they only serve the dictatorial agenda of the Brotherhood, and the eradication of freedom at the expense of the lives of the martyrs who fell and that group got involved in their blood.