
Sudanese analyst: The Muslim Brotherhood is planning to mobilize a new militia to return to power

Since the fall of Omar al-Bashir’s regime in 2019, the terrorist Brotherhood has worked relentlessly to derail Sudan’s democratic transition in various ways, finally setting the country on fire among the military factions to complete the torching process, and to tire the country so that the old regime can return to power.

Igniting Chaos

Many observers on the Sudanese issue accused the Muslim Brotherhood and the former regime of being behind the fitna that led to the end of the fighting and armed clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, which burned green and dry.

Sedition’s plans

Sudan’s nationalist Umma Party said that there are army officers affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and remnants of the former regime who would rather burn Sudan than stay out of power.

In a statement posted on its Facebook page, the party called on the Rapid Support Forces to leave the cities and refrain from concentrating among civilians. It said that the prison break by the former regime’s leaders would escalate the war, pointing out that this war was started and mobilized by the remnants.

“The plan of the remnants is to retake control of the country once again, even if that means dividing the country,” the Alliance of Freedom and Change Forces and the Neighborhood Resistance Committees said in a statement.

Continued fighting

Farid Zein, a Sudanese political analyst, said the Brotherhood’s current role is to continue the war in Sudan and sow discord among the military factions. This is in order to return to power by killing citizens and sowing discord between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

The Sudanese political analyst added that what the terrorist group is planning to do is form armed military militias under the pretext of supporting the Sudanese army and defending the social components in central and northern Sudan. The real goal behind this terrorist group is to hinder the political agreement and to thwart the next government.

Hitting the Economy

The second pillar of the Brotherhood’s plan is speculation in the US dollar’s parallel market, which increases demand to raise its price against the Sudanese pound, he said, adding that the Brotherhood is also seeking to blockade the government economically and create crises.

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