Middle east

Syrians talk about a new ISIS

The terror occurred by ISIS forced the residents of villages lying along a critical Syrian border to escape from their homes. Whereas, for those that want to return, they currently face a new enemy: the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army.

Indeed, Kurdish, Arab and Assyrian Christian villages housed for years families amicably residing in the town of Tal Tamr, in western al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria. However, they are now living in terror of Turkish militias.

When the 2019 assault erupted by Turkey, Syrian rebel forces, supported by Turkish airstrikes and artillery have kept pushing against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) taking villages on the outskirts of Tal Tamr and menacing the town.

Residents’ fear

In fact, inhabitants of the surrounding villages leave in large amount as the fighting closer. While, those that have chosen to stay talk about homes destroyed by airstrikes, of killing and stabbings.

In a new part with 11 series, Al Arabiya goes between camps and villages in Syria and Iraq where journalist Rola al-Khatib talk with former ISIS members and their families, former members of the Syrian government forces and residents in the two countries to talk about their stories in the latest Face to Face interview. In the third episode, Face-to-Face: Turkey in Syria,’ Al Arabiya talked to residents of Tal Tamr, a lot of them live with no, or limited, running water and electricity.

Furthermore, one resident talked how her house was attacked by ammunitions during an airstrike carried out by the Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army. She said that her and her family has lived in fear for months. She informed Al Arabiya: (It is) the Free Syrian Army, who else would want to harm us, attacks us? The bombing hit us.

The woman showed how she lives in just two rooms safe from the attack with her daughter and her grandchildren. Her home like many others lacks from furniture, and even doors and windows. There is many shelling and airstrikes on the villages around Tal Tamr.

Otherwise, another told Al Arabiya on the 32-kilometer line that separates the villages from the Turkish enemy, and another resident, only giving her first name, Mariam, talked from her home in the village of Tal Jumaa. Although, the dangers of bombings, she informed Al Arabiya that she rejected to leave from her home, saying: We are strong, we do not leave! We do not leave! And she added: But many fellow villagers have fled.


Also, an Assyrian Christian, who agreed to spoke to Al Arabiya about her refusal to leave the place that she calls home. She said: Whether there is bombing or not we are staying here, adding: Where are we supposed to go? This is our property, this is our land, and these are our houses. We do not want to go anywhere; we will stay home.

Besides, a mother-of-four states that two of her children have stayed in the village. Many others have escaped the village, particularly those with daughters, in what the residents said. Another local resident stated that families are afraid of their daughters to would be kidnapped by the Free Syrian Army. He said! They are scared. Anyone who had one or two girls at home left.

Another inhabitant, a young Syrian, said that the village was active, adding that after ISIS left the area, and many villagers who had escaped were returned. However; the arrival of the Free Syrian Army forced them to leave their homes for a second time as rebel forces continue to fight over the geopolitical border.

The resident expressed: Tal Taweel was a demarcation line since 2015. It was one of the most sensitive areas during the war or at frontlines, the same events are happening again now.


He also said: The villagers’ lands here are on the demarcation line between us and the Turkish forces or between us and the mercenaries. What we are fighting now is an enemy with great technologies and heavy weapons and developed military power.

A new ISIS

A group of young Syrian men prepares to leave for safety while shelling and gunfire increases. One spoke of an era of a new ISIS, the same dangers weary Syrians have faced for years, however; now under a different pretext.


He said: What we experienced today is, of course, just a part of our daily events, adding: Today, of course, what we are seeing is ISIS returning with different names. Before it was Daesh terroristic organization today it is Sultan Murad or Ahrar al-Sharqiya, etc.

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