Arabian Gulf

Tamim Ben Hamad, “Governor of Syria”… Hamdeen is the organization that runs Qatar

The Qatari regime’s tragic crimes against its people and neighbors are inexcusable and cannot be overlooked. They threaten the existence of the Gulf entity that was established to counter Iranian ambitions and conspiracies being hatched against it.

Since 1996, after the decision to establish Al-Jazeera, its regime, namely the Al-Hamadeen organization, has insisted on breaking the unity of the Gulf, and this is considered the start of the actual creative chaos in the Middle East under the auspices of Doha.

The Qatari regime is ready to carry out any subversive plan. It supports and hosts extremist terrorist groups and is not ashamed to say that. On the contrary, it gives them many possibilities to carry out such plans and uses any individuals or groups that serve their goals.

For example, in Bahrain, Al-Hamdeen’s organization strengthened its alliances with the disbanded Al-Wefaq Society and provided them with a free media service to convey their venom to Bahraini society and the world, while conspiring against the ruling regime in order to achieve the greater goal of the coup and the surrender of Bahrain to Iran.

Despite its clear and blatant violation of agreements and treaties, including the Riyadh Agreement, 2013 and 2014, and the Al-Ula Agreement, Qatar does not care about that, but continues its obstinacy and its declared and open attack on the boycotting countries. It is spreading misinformation about the Kingdom of Bahrain and creating a political crisis between the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, and creating a funny scenario for this dispute that is no more than a difference of views and nothing less. It is more than blatant interference in the internal affairs of States and blatant encroachment of all that affects their security and stability, as if it were a tool for subversion and destruction of any peace endeavors in the region.

What does the country system plan for the next phase? The answer is simple and does not need any thinking, and it is to continue working on the plans of the Al-Hamdeen organization, led by Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. It is now the front on which this organization is relying, and it will continue to work to dismantle any Arab forces that stand in solidarity to achieve peace. It is nothing but a tool and a façade to implement the organization’s decisions, so that the countries of the world know very well that Tamim is just a representative of the Al-Hamdeen organization, and that the next Qatari plan awaits orders from the current American administration which let this organization down its plan to leave the Middle East.

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