Middle east

Terrorist Confessions Accuse the Islah Party of the Assassination of a Prominent Southern Figure

The (Islah) Party, “the arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen,” has been associated with acts of brutal terrorism primarily targeting southern Yemen, aiming to undermine its security and stability while spreading chaos in the region.

According to the Al Mashhad Al Arabi website, the death sentence issued by the Specialized Criminal Court in the capital Aden against those accused in the assassination of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Murai Al-Adani, the founder of the Dar Al-Hadith Center in Al-Fayoush, serves as a new confirmation of the Brotherhood‘s escalating extremism, criminality, and the scope of their terrorism.

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Murai Al-Adani, a highly influential figure in religious and social circles, had established the Dar Al-Hadith Center, a beacon of religious knowledge in the south. He was assassinated on February 28, 2016.

The death sentence was handed down to the accused, Khaled Ali Salem Al-Osbahi and Mohamed Ali Abdullah. These two terrorists confessed during the investigation to being members of the Muslim Brotherhood, providing further confirmation of the ongoing terrorism committed by this faction against the South.

These confessions refute the claims propagated by the (Islah) Party and its digital outlets, which have frequently spread slander against the southern leadership represented by the Southern Transitional Council.

For a long time, the Brotherhood attempted to attribute these false accusations to the southern leadership, but the confessions of these two terrorists have exposed the lies of this terrorist group, which is known for promoting such fabrications.

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