Middle east

The Corruption of the Muslim Brotherhood in Taiz Breaks Records

The corruption of the Muslim Brotherhood in the city of Taiz has reached unprecedented levels, both in scale and in the innovative schemes it encompasses, ultimately reflecting the extent of their exploitation of the de facto authority they wield over the city.

According to the “Al-Muntasaf Net” website, the financial violations and corruption perpetrated by the Taiz Military Command, dominated by leaders affiliated with the Al-Islah Party (the Muslim Brotherhood‘s branch in Yemen), have surpassed all limits, especially concerning the inclusion of fictitious names in military rosters.

Sources revealed that thousands of employees from administrative units, executive offices, the contracting fund, as well as public institutions, agencies, and government companies were added to the rosters of the army and security forces at the inception of the national army aligned with legitimacy, without these employees being aware of this bold and massive operation.

The same sources confirmed that the data, photos, and documents of employees were extracted from their archived files in their offices and at the civil service office collectively and randomly, in record numbers. For instance, over six thousand five hundred employees from the provincial education office and its branches were added to the army’s ranks. These individuals were assigned military numbers and ranks, receiving monthly salaries through the Brotherhood‘s military command and military units that shield these fictitious names.

The sources further pointed out that this extravagant operation was only uncovered when thousands of people in each office and administrative unit were informed by the civil service office that they had to relinquish one of the dual positions they allegedly held — one in the civilian sector and another as a military identity usurped in their name without their knowledge.

From the widespread lists in civilian offices, the queues and congestion at the civil service office, and the influx of affected employees from villages and districts into the city center to renounce one of their two positions, it became evident that the corruption within the Brotherhood‘s military command in this region has no parallel in Yemen’s history.


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