
The Gulf contributes to solving the grain crisis after Russia’s withdrawal from the agreement

How the Gulf Contributes to Resolving the Grain Crisis after Russia's Withdrawal from the Agreement

The world is facing a crisis following Russia’s recent withdrawal from an agreement to export grain and fertilizers by sea from Ukraine, mediated by the United Nations and Turkey. This move will limit the exports of vital Ukrainian food supplies that had been feeding 400 million people worldwide before 2022, according to the World Food Programme.

The crisis has opened the door to potential famines in various countries due to the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, supported by the West. However, the Gulf has a significant role to play in this global crisis as it always seeks to find a solution to the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with a vision to bring an end to disputes worldwide.

Reasons for the Withdrawal

Russia claims that continuing the trilateral agreement goes beyond its “red line.” If Russian forces attack a grain-carrying ship, it could trigger strong reactions that Moscow does not want to face, depending on the country to which the ship belongs, its captain, and crew. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s messages were crystal clear, stating that there is no agreement between Ukraine and Russia, and the agreement was actually concluded between Ukraine, Turkey, and the United Nations. Putin is currently opposing the agreement with the UN and Turkey, not Ukraine.

The Gulf’s Contribution to Resolving the Grain Crisis

Jassim Al-Bedaiwi, the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, stated that the Gulf countries are keen on maintaining balanced relations with all partners. The Gulf states emphasized the necessity of keeping the grain file separate from wars and conflicts. Last week, the UN Secretary-General urgently contacted Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of the UAE, stressing the importance of the Black Sea Grain initiative. They reviewed the ongoing efforts to extend it, but Russia refused to extend the initiative. Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s last hope is to find a solution to the new global crisis.

The UN Secretary-General’s request will not go unanswered by the UAE’s leader, who previously stated in Russia to President Vladimir Putin in mid-June: “Be aware that if any other role is required from the UAE to stabilize the situation and in humanitarian matters, we are ready to help in every way.”

In the same context, informed sources revealed that the world is awaiting action from several Gulf countries, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia, to use their influence, relying on their good relations with Russia and Ukraine, to reach a swift solution to this new crisis and save millions of children, refugees, displaced people worldwide from hunger, after the initiative’s suspension.

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