
The Houthi terrorist militia fears the appointment of the new Yemeni presidential council

The Houthi terrorist group is living in a state of anxiety and fear following President Hadi’s announcement of the appointment of a new Yemeni presidential council, which caused great panic within the terrorist militia, as members of this council are called prominent figures in its war against the Houthi terrorist militia.

In an expression of the extreme apprehension of the Houthi terrorist group, the terrorist group expressed that the formation of the Yemeni Presidential Command Council is a desperate attempt to rearrange the ranks of what it described as mercenaries, accusing the countries of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen of pushing for escalation, which has confused the calculations of that terrorist militia, especially after the major successes achieved by Yemen on the ground in Riyadh.

Yemeni writer and political analyst Ahmed Jabbari says: “The Houthi terrorist militia has been suffering from numerous crises. The first is the losses it suffered at the hands of the Arab coalition over the past period, in addition to the crises that followed it”.

The Yemeni political analyst added that the appointment of these prominent figures in the war against the Houthi militia is a strong blow to the Houthi group in Yemen, given the numerous defeats it will face in the coming period in the presence of this presidential council.

Naji al-Arefi, an Emirati researcher, said: “The appointment of the Yemeni Presidential Council is a good omen for the Yemeni people in all political, economic and military fields”.

He tweeted: “We say to the people of Yemen, North and South, that they are optimistic about the Yemeni Presidential Council after the announcement of the council and all the files that Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, the chief failure official in Yemen, was hiding in all economic, political, social and military fields”.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Qarni, professor of international relations at the Sorbonne University, said via Twitter: “Houthi militias are living his hardest moments, they realize that the rules of the game have changed in Yemen and that if they does not accept peace his days are numbered and the countdown will begin after the formation of the Yemeni Presidential Council”.

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