
The Implications of General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan’s Visit to Egypt

General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan Visits Egypt

President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi received  in the New Alamein city General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan, the Chairman of the Sudanese Sovereign Council. The official spokesperson of the presidency stated that during the meeting, President el-Sisi emphasized Egypt’s strong appreciation for the historical and deep bilateral ties that connect it to Sudan on both official and popular levels. He reaffirmed Egypt’s steadfast and unwavering stance alongside Sudan, supporting its security, stability, territorial integrity, and unity, especially during the sensitive circumstances it is going through. This consideration is rooted in the eternal bonds and shared strategic interests between the two sister countries.

Brotherly Relations

On his part, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan expressed his deep appreciation for the strong brotherly relations between the two sister countries. He praised Egypt’s genuine support for maintaining Sudan’s peace and stability in light of the historical juncture it is experiencing. He particularly commended Egypt’s warm reception of Sudanese citizens. In this context, he expressed his country’s gratitude for Egypt’s active role in the region and the African continent.

Significance of the Visit

Regarding the outcomes of the visit, Dr. Hamed Faris, an international relations expert, stated that the visit of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the Chairman of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, to Egypt carries significant implications for both the Sudanese domestic landscape and the international community.

He added that the significance of this visit to the Sudanese domestic situation lies in the relative stability within Sudan. There has been a qualitative stability following the recent visits by al-Burhan, whether to the city of Port Sudan or to the Foulk Mountains naval base. The visit holds many meanings and a clear implication of the strategic importance of the Egyptian state.

He continued: Egypt employs its soft diplomacy to work towards resolving the crisis in Sudan. Egypt is the primary concerned state in the Sudanese crisis due to several factors, including historical ties, geographical proximity, and shared history. Strong and deep-rooted relationships bind Egypt and its brethren in Sudan. The Egyptian state has undertaken many measures and international initiatives to find a comprehensive solution to the Sudanese crisis. This action alleviates the suffering of our brethren in Sudan and has been ongoing since the first day of the crisis. Al-Burhan’s visit to Egypt today aims to discuss ways to achieve a ceasefire with President el-Sisi.

He further elaborated: “We find that Egypt has shouldered a significant burden for the Sudanese people, opening its borders and hosting numerous Sudanese brothers and guests on its territory. The Egyptian state has extended various forms of assistance, reflecting the fact that Egypt and Sudan are one fabric.”

Egypt’s Central Role

Meanwhile, Sudanese journalist Imad Al-Sanousi, the Editor-in-Chief of “Nabd Sudan” newspaper, stated that the visit of the Chairman of the Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, to Egypt, underscores Egypt’s central role and its possession of the keys to resolving the Sudanese crisis. It also confirms the alignment between the Sudanese government’s vision and the Egyptian efforts undertaken over the past and present periods to resolve this crisis.

He clarified that the accompanying delegation included the Director of General Intelligence, the Director of the Conventional Industries System, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Their presence indicates that Sudan seeks to resolve this crisis as swiftly as possible.

He continued: Egypt is Sudan’s closest neighbor and one of the largest countries affected by the Sudanese crisis. All Sudanese have sought refuge in Egypt from both a popular and social perspective. Sudan has heavily relied on Egyptian aid, including relief and food supplies, during this crisis. The talks held in Cairo indicate that Egypt is not interfering in Sudan’s affairs but rather assisting Sudan in its crisis. Therefore, Egypt is a central state contributing to the resolution of this conflict.”

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