
The IRGC should stay on US ‘terrorist’ list – The US. top generals said

State Department spokesman Ned Price said: In cooperation with its partners and allies, Washington will use all appropriate means to counter the threat posed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

In a press conference yesterday, Price noted that most American sanctions against Iran include the Revolutionary Guard, and the United States is committed to using all appropriate means to counter the subversive activities of this organization. He confirmed that it is working with its partners and allies to prevent and respond to any possible attack by Iran, according to Reuters.

Price added: “Although there is much disagreement over U.S. policy toward Iran, there is full consensus on the need to address these threats”.

In response to a question, the State Department spokesman stressed that the United States will protect all its citizens, including former and current U.S. officials who face a threat from Iran.

U.S. Republican Senator Todd Young called the Biden administration’s potential deal with Iran a disaster in U.S. foreign policy and a major victory for Ali Khamenei.

Senator Young stressed in an article published on “Fox News” channel, the day before yesterday, that the agreement with Iran, the main sponsor of terrorism in the world, paves the way for Tehran to acquire nuclear weapons, and increase the violence of the Iranian regime in all the Middle East.

The new round of negotiations on reviving the nuclear agreement came to a halt on March 11, 2022. Media outlets later reported that the main disagreement between the United States and Iran was over removing the Revolutionary Guard from the list of terrorist organizations or keeping it on that list.

However, the Republican Senator stressed that the situation is worse than that, and that the Biden administration proposed lifting sanctions on a number of Iranian institutions and individuals, including Hossein Dehghan, a politician and member of the Revolutionary Guard who planned the 1983 bombing in Lebanon that killed 220 American Marines and 21 other Americans.

The US senator strongly criticized the possibility of removing the IRGC from the list of terrorist organizations, describing the IRGC as the main tool of bloodshed and responsible for killing more than 600 US soldiers in Iraq.

 Senator Todd Young warned that an agreement allowing Iran to pursue its nuclear ambitions was dangerous enough, but lifting sanctions and removing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard from the list of terrorist organizations would be like pouring gasoline on the current Middle East conflict.

He emphasized that Biden should stay away from the negotiating table, questioning the previous nuclear deal with Iran signed under former U.S. President Barack Obama.

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