
The Muslim Brotherhood holds a meeting with its deputies… What was discussed?

The leadership of both the Islamic Action Front Party (IAF) and the Muslim Brotherhood held a meeting with members of their parliamentary bloc, attended by the party’s Secretary-General, Engineer Wael Al-Saqqa, the Muslim Brotherhood’s General Supervisor, Engineer Murad Al-Adayleh, and members of the executive offices of both the party and the group, to discuss their working vision for the upcoming phase.

The meeting discussed the working methods in the Parliament and how to establish connections with other parliamentary blocs to form influential parliamentary forces in the legislative process and the enactment of laws.

The sources added that these meetings will be held regularly, and in the future, they will not be announced, as they will discuss all of their movements within the Parliament and review the positions to be taken by the Islamic movement’s deputies.

The party’s Secretary-General, Engineer Wael Al-Saqqa, congratulated the deputies on earning the trust of the Jordanian public, highlighting the significant responsibility they bear and the party’s achievements and advanced results in the elections, especially in the national list, where they gained the trust of more than 460,000 Jordanians. This results in wide responsibilities in the coming phase to implement the political, economic, and social programs they presented, and to perform their role as a strong and influential parliamentary bloc within the Parliament, expressing the will of the Jordanian people, as reported by Al-Sabeel newspaper.

The General Supervisor of the Muslim Brotherhood, Engineer Murad Al-Adayleh, emphasized the national role assigned to the party’s deputies in addressing various national issues, expressing the will of the Jordanian people, and defending the interests of the nation and citizens amid internal challenges and external threats.

The deputies provided input on the priorities for the next phase, their vision for the bloc’s action plan, its structure, its priorities, as well as their specialization in following up on the files assigned to them and societal communication.

The Islamic Action Front Party’s lists achieved significant success in the parliamentary elections, leading the national list with 17 winning candidates, in addition to 14 candidates winning in the local lists.

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