
The Muslim Brotherhood ignite the situation in Sudan… Fatwas from a terrorist leader incite the killing of politicians in Khartoum

The Muslim Brotherhood organization in Sudan continues its schemes and games to ignite discord and chaos, in an attempt to take revenge on political opponents and disrupt the democratic process. This is done by exploiting these events in Sudan in order to once again return to the scene, after the people had pronounced it in a popular revolution in 2019. The organization has never stopped taking advantage of one opportunity after another to ignite the fire of sedition, to kill the civilian experience and to thwart the democratic transition in the African country, according to a wide spectrum of observers.


Media reports said that the Muslim Brotherhood controlled all aspects of politics and the economy in Sudan during a three-decade rule that failed to achieve any development. The Brotherhood turned Sudan into a base for terrorist operations after embracing organizations such as al-Qaeda and Jihad and hundreds of terrorist elements and foreign extremists. As the world looks for putting out the fires of fighting in Sudan and reaching a common ground to save the country, Abdul Hay Yusif, one of the arms of the Sudanese Brothers, incited the killing and spilling of the blood of the civil parties (the forces of freedom and change) that signed the framework agreement last December, and Yusif issued a fatwa on a TV channel broadcast from Turkey, killing politicians from what he described as “the client parties” that signed the framework agreement, and “tried to impose it on the people”.

A fatwa on incitement

This fatwa sparked many criticisms on social media, and Sudanese journalist Dalia Al-Taher said on her Twitter account: “After his fatwa to kill two-thirds of the people, the terrorist Abdul Hay Yusif issues a fatwa to kill politicians from the Forces for Freedom and Change, and those who drafted the framework agreement.”

“I had noted before that politicians should change their places of residence for fear of being targeted, and some of them met this talk with ridicule, pointing out that Abdel Hay Yusif and those in his circle “are the real danger to Sudan and its people.”

The Brotherhood’s Plan

Sudanese activist Dr. Hanna Al-Amin said that Abdul Hay Yusif used his fatwas to shed Muslim blood instead of calling for injecting them, gathering the word, and unifying the ranks. She wondered, Does he believe that with such fatwas will preserve the whites of religion that were lost with the demise of al-Bashir’s rule?,” and pointed out that since Omar al-Bashir assumed the rule of Sudan, the Muslim Brotherhood has not stopped spilling blood and inciting murder, and turning the people against each other, following the policy of divide and conquer.

Crisis utilization

Hisham Al-Najjar, a researcher specializing in terrorist groups, says that the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group in the region exploits any crisis in order to establish its presence in the arena through fatwas and inflammatory calls, such as that of Abdul Hay Yusif, the terrorist group returns to play the same role, hoping to steal Sudan again from its people.

He added: The strange thing is that the Muslim Brotherhood forgot that at some point in time they controlled the country, Sudan has turned from a regional state that has a prominent role in stirring Arab and African events to a state that sponsors terrorism, at whose hands natural resources have been squandered in favor of gold mining gangs, and the purchasing power of the Sudanese currency has weakened, and the economy of the country, which has been described as the world’s food basket, has collapsed to the farthest extent, pointing out that the Muslim Brotherhood organization is the enemy of Sudan and is the cause of this ongoing crisis.

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