
The Muslim Brotherhood movement continues its plans against Kais Saied

As a continuation of the lies and allegations resorted to by the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, the use of fabrication methods to ignite chaos in the country through its electronic battalions that fabricate and spread rumors against state institutions, the latest of which was the false leak circulated by the Ennahdha Movement in Tunisia to Nadia Akacha, former Director of the Presidential Court from the President of Tunisia, in an attempt to cast doubt on President Kais Saied.

Fabrication methods

Initially, Rached Khiari, a Muslim Brotherhood deputy, published an audio recording which claimed that the former director of the Presidential Office had mocked Tunisian President Kais Saied during his visit to France and meeting with President Macron.

The Brotherhood’s pages in Tunisia circulated this fabricated statement, and in a quick response, former Presidential Court Director Nadia Akacha came out with a denial, saying that the audio recording was incorrect and fabricated.

In a post on her official Facebook page, she said: “After the smear campaign and the contact with the symptoms, we turn to the synthesis of voices.. The march will not stop”.

This was not the first incident of its kind in the fabrication of recordings, but the Brotherhood pages used to publish these false leaks in order to undermine the stability of the Tunisian state, and to try to destabilize the Tunisian state and call into question the integrity of Tunisian President Kais Saied.

Muslim Brotherhood games

Tunisian journalist Mohamed Hadj Mansour said in a post on Facebook: “Like many others, I followed the audio recording attributed to Akacha, which was posted by mercenary Muslim Brotherhood blogger Yahya al-Khieli on pages of the ‘Den of Sedition, Espionage and Misinformation’”.

He continued: “I ended up with my experience in this field, and after comparing the recording with the original records of those concerned, I found that the recording was fabricated using the techniques and software of artificial intelligence, which I personally was one of its victims during the summer of 2021.

He added in his post: ‘We all know the national role played by the target woman in blocking the path and arms of the Ennahdha gang and making the July 25 March a success, and therefore they consider her the number one enemy.. she are paying a high price”.

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