Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood Paving the Way for a Return to the Houthi Embrace… Details 

The Islah Party, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, is laying the groundwork for a return to the embrace of the Houthi militias through its media outlets, journalists, and activists.

After the return of Al Jazeera channel’s correspondent Samir Al-Namari to Sanaa a few days ago, yesterday, the program director of Al-Mahriyah channel, journalist Osama Qaed, expressed his desire to return to Sanaa, as reported by Al-Muntaser Net. Qaed wrote a brief tweet on his X platform account, expressing his desire for a soon return to Sanaa, saying: “Sanaa must be reached, even if the journey is long.”

Osama Qaed works for Al-Mahriyah channel, funded by Qatar, directed to serve the agendas of the Houthi movement, the Iranian project, and the Muslim Brotherhood in the region in general, according to the previous source.

For years, politicians, journalists, and activists affiliated with the Islah Party, linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, have been approaching the Houthi militia, praising their actions targeting Yemen and the countries of the region under the pretext of uniting efforts to support the Palestinian cause. This comes in the context of the collaboration between the two parties, which led to the collapse of the Yemeni government, the overthrow of the Yemeni state, the outbreak of war, the displacement of millions of Yemenis, the suspension of their salaries, and the tearing apart of the country to serve external agendas.

The leading figure in the Islah Party residing in Turkey, Abdul Majeed al-Zindani, had called on the Yemeni people to reconcile with the Houthis, attempting to exploit the Yemeni people’s sympathy for the Palestinian cause.

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