The Muslim Brotherhood’s female role is abused by the organization

The role of women in the Muslim Brotherhood has resurfaced after a dispute between Supreme Guide Ibrahim Munir and Mahmoud Hussein, the former secretary-general of the terrorist group and a member of the Guidance Bureau.
The son of Egypt’s deposed president, Al-Shaimaa Mohamed Morsi, has aligned herself with Mahmoud Hussein and has declared a rebellion against Ibrahim Munir.
She write on her Facebook page: “I do not obey anyone who violates the Shura Council or ignores it or gambles on it. As a blood defender, I do not obey those who call on us to surrender or force them to surrender. As a working member of the Muslim Brotherhood, I support the Shura Council’s decision in all its forms.”
Before that, Ibrahim Munir, the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, appeared in a video interview with the terrorist group, addressing both men and women.
Amro Abdel Moneim, an analyst specializing in Islamist groups, said that the position of the Muslim Brotherhood’s leader is shaky. He uses the word to appeal to and recruit even the group’s women and girls, who have a significant role in actual movements on the ground within the organization, he said.
Abdel Moneim said that the role of women in the terrorist group is very effective. Throughout their history, women have played a major role, in terms of delivering donations and funding the group, or more recently through occupying social media platforms for long hours and continuously broadcasting them to serve the group’s interests.
Abdel Moneim believes that about 40% of the Brotherhood’s actual power is concentrated in the ladies and daughters of the terrorist group, since they are less likely to be pursued by the security forces, not to mention that they hide in certain ways and come to homes in villages and cities for the purpose of preaching or helping. In fact, they act according to the plans and goals of the group.
An analyst specializing in Islamist groups said that Brotherhood women form electronic mobile battalions around the clock, where they spend long hours blogging lies and rumors on social media platforms led by Facebook, or disseminating dictates from their leaders, which has become known to all.
Turkish-American Front
“Abdel Moneim” confirmed that Mahmoud Hussein’s team, which was supported by Al-Shaima Morsi, is the most influential of Ibrahim Munir’s group, because it is based in Turkey, where a large number of Muslim Brotherhood members are currently present, in addition to the fact that the organization has direct capital as a source of income.
Ibrahim Munir’s team relies on the traditional way of hearing, obedience and control, which may not be achieved much in light of the strong conflict between the two teams.
Leading Muslim Brotherhood defector Mukhtar Noah said that throughout history the Brotherhood has been using women and girls very inexpensively, in a hidden move of funding, and moving between families and families in a covert manner. However, this has recently become known, and Brotherhood women have become more cautious than before, as the group’s known use of them has continued.
Noah said that the mental abilities of Brotherhood women do not qualify them to assume senior positions in the group. He added that the mentality of Brotherhood men does not allow them to do so, even though they have announced in recent years their recognition in line with the global awakening and modernization.
One of the tasks entrusted to the Brotherhood’s ladies is the continuous agitation through social media platforms. The organization was pushing them to the front lines of its demonstrations following the June 30, 2013 revolution, after which more than one woman was involved in terrorist acts including planning and participating in the murder of Egypt’s former Attorney General Hicham Barakat.
Ibrahim Munir, the terrorist group’s supreme guide, decided to fire six of the organization’s active leaders from their posts and refer them to investigation for financial and administrative violations, according to a leaked document.
The dismissal decision included former Brotherhood secretary-general Mahmoud Hussein, a member of the Guidance Bureau, Mohammed Abdel Wahab, an official with the Egyptian Brotherhood Abroad Association, former Turkish General Shura Council member Hammam Ali Youssef, General Shura Council member Medhat El-Haddad, General Shura Council member Mamdouh Mabrouk, and Rajab al-Benna, General Shura Council member.