
The situation is getting worse in Iran – Defections hit the Revolutionary Guard greatly

The situation in Iran continues to escalate dramatically. There have been dozens of demonstrations in various cities across the country in the past few days and they still remain, including the different ethnicities and classes, the largest since those that came out against the current Iranian policy. The Iranian authorities arrested 115 members of the army; because of their support for nationwide protests since the killing of the young girl Mahsa Amini.

Crises hit Iran’s military

Documents published by Iran International revealed that 1% of all those arrested during the protests were government soldiers. The Iranian security services intensified their activities and security checks on every member whose family participates in the demonstrations, or the relatives of those who were killed by the security and the army in recent events, and are investigating them to ensure their loyalty to the regime.

A document circulating on social media calls for a senior commander in the Iranian army to report daily on the arrest of any army forces or their families during the protests; This explains the concern within the military institution about defections within the army and about joining the protests, as there are defections within the army, the Revolutionary Guards, and the police; because of the crackdowns on protesters.

The End of the Mullahs Regime

Dr. Mokhtar Ghobashi, a political analyst and expert on Iran, says there are many “deep” concerns in the Iranian military about defections from the military, which is a major crisis for the Tehran regime, and these massive defections have begun to hit the Revolutionary Guard in Syria, where mass defections have recently been recorded.

He added that what has been circulated recently is that about 140 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard militia have defected; This confirms the separatist trend that has emerged in all Iranian military agencies, which confirms that the Iranian regime is in a state of collapse and major disintegration, and that these numerous demonstrations throughout Iran will be the end of the mullahs’ regime in the coming period.

Mass protests

Iran has been witnessing protests in various regions since last September, amidst accusations by the police of killing the young woman Mahsa Amini. So far, security forces have killed at least 448 demonstrators, most of them in Sistan-Baluchestan, which is located in south-eastern Iran on the borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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