
The statement of the Algiers summit: We reject foreign interference in the region

The statement of the Algiers summit stressed the rejection of foreign interference in the affairs of Arab countries and the illegal presence of any foreign forces. The statement also stated the need to achieve a “Libyan-Libyan” solution to settle the crisis through the exit of mercenaries and foreign forces from the country. In addition, the humanitarian truce in Yemen must be renewed as an essential step to reach a comprehensive political solution to the crisis. Work continues to reach a political solution to the Yemeni crisis in accordance with the adopted terms of reference, while the Algiers Summit statement emphasized the territorial integrity of Syria and support for a political solution based on dialog.

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The Algiers Summit Declaration affirmed that the current tensions highlight the urgent need to address the current imbalances and put an end to the marginalization of developing countries. The statement stated the need to adhere to the Arab Peace Initiative with all its elements to resolve the Palestinian issue, stressing the need to adhere to the principles of non-alignment and the common Arab position on the war in Ukraine. The statement also welcomed the Algiers Declaration, which aims to reunite the Palestinians, stressing the need to continue efforts to protect Jerusalem, and the statement rejected all forms of external interference in Yemen’s affairs. It emphasized the Arab League’s support for the legitimate government in Yemen. The statement also announced that the Arab economic integration project needs to redouble efforts according to a comprehensive vision, stressing the need to support Arab countries that are going through difficult political, economic and security conditions, and noting the need to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East in order to maintain peace in the region.

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In the same context, the statement supported efforts to resolve the border disputes between Djibouti and Eritrea, in addition to strengthening the capabilities of Somalia to combat terrorism and the drought crisis.

On Lebanon, the statement stressed the aspiration of the member states of the Arab League to implement the required reforms and to elect the president of the country as a matter of urgency. With regard to Iraq, the statement said, “We hope that the new Iraqi government will achieve stability for the Iraqi people.” The statement of the Arab summit in Algiers also pledged to take measures to strengthen the Arab League to exercise its role in resolving crises, while the Saudi Foreign Minister, Faisal bin Farhan, announced his country’s hosting of the next Arab summit.

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