
The Turkish Al-Burhan and his palace in Ankara 

The suburb of İncek in the Gölbaşı area is considered one of the most upscale neighborhoods in the Turkish capital, Ankara. Unfortunately, it is inhabited by one of the most backward military and political figures in the world. Moreover, this area has been granted Turkish citizenship to him, according to the former Sudanese ambassador to Turkey, Adel Ibrahim, a trustworthy and just man whose testimony validates the month of fasting.

Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the Sudanese army commander, has become a distinguished Ankara resident by purchasing a luxurious villa in this neighborhood – a palace – for the amount of 3 million dollars. His family, consisting of a wife and two sons and a daughter, currently resides there. Indeed, it was noted that the man kept his Turkish citizenship somewhat secret, even though it is available under the law for any foreigner who owns property valued at 400,000 dollars and above. However, there are no secrets in Sudan; close associates leaked the information to many, including politicians and journalists. Still, no one cared about it until he became a subject of criticism, accusing some politicians of having dual nationality. He distributes his allegiance to Sudan based on his mood and very deteriorated mental state these months.

Those who speak about some leaders of the ‘Freedom and Change’ movement, criticizing them for holding American, British, and Canadian passports, remain silent about the concocted al-Burhan. Similarly, they remained silent before about their seniors holding American, British, Canadian, German, and other passports. Many of them are numerous enough not to allow mention, and we are not here for that.

Regarding this concocted individual who chose to distance himself from the city of Istanbul, the stronghold of Banu Köz, in the Ottoman Sultanate of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and opted for the capital Ankara to become an exceptional Ankara Turk. His children study in the finest universities of the capital, while he enrolled his daughter in the international champion’s secondary school.

This corrupt, obscene, and murderous man has taken the entire Sudanese people hostage for his personal ambitions to become the president of Sudan. He destroyed the dreams of the entire nation for freedom and dignified living to fulfill his father’s dream of ruling the country over their dead bodies. He even took his family to safety to achieve dreams that will never come true, in an unprecedented and immoral precedent surpassing his ousted predecessor.

Those close to al-Burhan know how deeply he is immersed in corruption, even to his ears. He is a sample of humanity that does not hesitate to commit atrocities and horrors to steal sesame, meat, Arabic gum, gold, and other minerals and smuggle them to some countries through army-affiliated companies supervised by Mergani Idris, the head of the military corruption spearhead allied with the political Kizan club.

Al-Burhan‘s corruption does not need evidence, but one thing leads to another. Therefore, we wonder, where did the man get 3 million dollars? What is his monthly salary, and what is the value of his monthly expenses? Does his salary allow him to save this amount? Is it reasonable that his salary allows him to buy a palace and a Turkish passport?

The worst and most failed military leader to pass through Sudan since God placed it on the map of the earth is this Turkish al-Burhan from Ankara, the chief of killers and corrupt figures in this country. He kills the sons of Sudan and his own sons in safety, spills blood, and injects the blood of his family. He deprives the children of Sudan of education and allows his own children the finest universities and schools. He is a man without conscience, religion, or morals, weak, hesitant, deceitful, and corrupt.

It seems that the most corrupt has abandoned his dream of ruling the country under the impact of military defeats suffered by the Rapid Support Forces, turning to fulfill his grandfather’s dream by summoning the Turkish/Egyptian rule. Anyone who examines al-Burhan‘s face well will see that rotten Ottoman sperm witnessing what I say.

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