Arabian Gulf

The UAE Assumes Presidency of the Security Council: June Priorities Shape the World Map

The UAE’s presidency of the UN Security Council this June will give priority to peace, security and cooperation.
The UAE presidency of the UN Security Council began Thursday for the second time in less than a year as it continues its efforts to promote co-operation, peace and development.

The UAE’s efforts embody lofty goals set by the UAE leadership as part of a roadmap to enhance the UAE’s sustainable role in order to consolidate peace and stability in the region and the world.


The United Arab Emirates gives priority in its work to the values of human fraternity in promoting and sustaining peace, climate change, peace and security, and cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States.

According to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), the UAE, in its capacity as President and in agreement with fellow members, established the program of the Security Council for the month of June. The country will also chair the meetings of the Council and work to facilitate the adoption of decisions and other documents, including a total of 17 briefings, two meetings of troop-contributing countries, an open debate, 13 closed consultations, an informal interactive dialog, in addition to seven provisions for Security Council resolutions.

“We are happy to assume the presidency of the UN Security Council for the second time during our term and to fulfill our commitments which include securing peace, promoting inclusiveness, building resilience and stimulating innovation, using all available tools and capabilities to promote dialog and bring views closer between Council members,” Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, UAE permanent representative to the United Nations, was quoted as saying.

She added that the above aims at “creating consensus on the most important and urgent global issues, thus enabling the full implementation of the Council’s mandate.”

“Our presidency of the Security Council comes at a time when we see multiple crises on the agenda that in turn threaten international peace and security, so what is needed is intensified cooperation to reach innovative and sustainable solutions, ” she added.

She pointed out that the international community currently needs to adopt an integrated approach, to build bridges that contribute to achieving peace and strengthening global security, by supporting constructive dialog and encouraging multilateral action based on moving from merely talking about goals to accomplishing them.
She also pointed out that the main events during the presidency will focus on these important priorities for the members of the Council and the entire international community and will be aimed at building on them.
3 “Key Events”

In June, the UAE will hold three “key events” at the UN Security Council; “We can and must work to promote interfaith dialog, address the impacts of climate change on conflicts around the world, and strengthen practical links between the United Nations and regional organizations,” Ambassador Nusseibeh said.

“On June 8, the UAE will host a high-level briefing on cooperation between the UN and the Arab League, with the aim of reaffirming the importance of Arab-led solutions to regional challenges and reviewing ways to strengthen cooperation between the two organizations on a range of key regional issues, including counterterrorism, women’s and youth participation, and humanitarian responses to natural disasters.”

“The UAE will also hold an open ministerial-level debate on climate change, peace and security on 13 June, showcasing examples from UN peacekeeping missions, post-conflict situations and regional contexts to highlight the impact of climate change on the Security Council’s mandate to maintain international peace and security.”
“On January 14, the UAE will hold a ministerial-level briefing on the values of human fraternity in promoting and sustaining peace, and through this event will seek to address the gap between the Council’s focus on conflict, intolerance, hate speech and extremism that often feeds it.”

In this regard, Ambassador Nusseibeh explained that the alarming upsurge in intolerance, hate speech, racism and extremism is likely to fuel violence and divide societies.

She warned that the world was facing the largest number of armed conflicts since 1945, and therefore the holding of such an event was timely

This month, the members of the Security Council also discuss a wide range of topics, ranging from the renewal of peacekeeping mandates to broad and complex challenges involving different regional contexts.
The UAE has been a member of the UN Security Council since January 2022 and served as its president throughout March of last year.

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