The UAE continues its humanitarian role and sends new shipments of emergency aid to Sudan

Reuters International News Agency reported that an Emirati plane transported 34 tons of food for the Sudanese caught up in the conflict. The first plane landed at Port Sudan airport loaded with 18 tons of supplies, while the second arrived in Chad with 16 tons.
Emirati Aid
According to International News Agency, this is not the first time the UAE has sent urgent aid to the Sudanese people. Last Wednesday, three planes carrying 116 tons of medical and food aid were sent to help those caught up in the clashes.
“Two UAE government aircraft landed at Port Sudan airport carrying medical supplies and essential medicines, including a surgical strip and endoscopy kits, which will be used for trauma and emergency surgery, it said.”
The third humanitarian flight arrived at Abéché airport in Chad carrying 16 tons of food to support Sudanese refugees affected by the crisis, which has displaced tens of thousands and caused shortages of essential supplies.
“The UAE has delivered nearly 500 tons of medical and food supplies to Sudan since clashes between the warring military factions began, and Emirates Airlines has received hundreds of evacuees from more than 20 countries in a series of flights from Sudan since 29 April.”