The Ukrainian crisis through the lens of China… “This is the only solution”
How does China view the resolution of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis that has persisted for over two years?

Li Hui, China’s Special Envoy for Eurasian Affairs, stated today, Friday, that both Russia and Ukraine believe that their crisis will be resolved through talks despite both entrenched behind their positions and significant disagreements between them when it comes to peace talks. He added that Russia has expressed appreciation for China’s efforts in its recent shuttle diplomacy tour to Europe, and Ukraine has also deemed it important.
Despite differences in perspectives on peace talks, the Chinese envoy said “they all still believe that this crisis will ultimately be resolved” in that manner.
Addressing journalists at a conference on his recent visits to Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France, and Poland this month, he added, “Everyone agrees that the war will ultimately end through negotiations, not guns.”
He pointed out that China wants to convene an internationally recognized peace conference in which both Russia and Ukraine participate.
Switzerland plans to host a peace conference this year, which Moscow says will be doomed to fail if it does not participate.
The Chinese envoy stated that Beijing was putting forward proposals to facilitate a ceasefire with the sole aim of ensuring the success of the peace conference.