Arabian Gulf

The United Arab Emirates in the Security Council… ‘It’s time to move beyond expressing concern

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has called on the international community to move beyond a “failed status quo” in the Palestinian territories, saying the time for expressions of concern has passed.

The UAE urged the Security Council and the international community to shoulder their responsibility and take “firm and intensive” measures that contribute to calming the situation and reviving the peace process in the Middle East between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

“The members of the Security Council encourage new steps to restore lasting calm and allow for the defusing of tensions, and call on all parties to avoid taking unilateral measures that could inflame tensions,” said Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s permanent representative to the United Nations, whose country holds the council’s rotating presidency for June.

“Council members call for restraint to reduce tensions and avoid further escalation.”

On Tuesday, the UN Security Council said it was “saddened” by civilian deaths in the West Bank, and called on all sides to avoid “unilateral actions that could further inflame tensions.”

In a statement issued unanimously by its 15 members, the council expressed its “sorrow for the killing of civilians”.

The Council also affirmed “the obligations and obligations of the Israeli and Palestinian authorities to combat and condemn terrorism in all its forms, in accordance with international law.”

In its statement, the council stressed that “it is important that those responsible for these acts of violence are held accountable for their actions.”

On Saturday, Israeli troops killed a Palestinian gunman who opened fire at a crossing point north of Jerusalem, in a new wave of violence in the West Bank, which was interrupted by Israeli settlers’ attacks on Palestinians.

Last week around 20 people, mostly Palestinians, were killed in the West Bank.

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