
The world welcomes the UAE’s mediation… Successful prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the success of the mediation efforts by the United Arab Emirates regarding the exchange of prisoners of war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

The ministry pointed out that the success of the mediation efforts reflects the strong friendship relations between the UAE and both the Russian Federation and Ukraine, supported by regular high-level contacts that resulted in one of the largest prisoner exchange operations between the two sides since the beginning of the war.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its appreciation to the governments of the Russian Federation and Ukraine for their cooperation and response to the Emirati mediation efforts to successfully carry out the prisoner exchange operation despite the challenges imposed by the current conditions of the war.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed the UAE‘s commitment to continue its efforts aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine, emphasizing its stance calling for diplomacy, dialogue, de-escalation, and its efforts to support all initiatives aimed at alleviating the humanitarian consequences of the crisis.

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