
Through Emirati mediation… Prisoner exchange deal between Russia and Ukraine includes 195 soldiers

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced today, Wednesday, the recovery of (195) Russian soldiers from captivity in exchange for the same number of Ukrainian prisoners

Through Emirati mediation and described by Moscow as “difficult” negotiations, a prisoner exchange deal between Russia and Ukraine involving 195 soldiers has been executed.

The statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense read: “The United Arab Emirates provided successful humanitarian mediation for the return of Russian soldiers from captivity.”

Earlier today, the Russian Defense announced the return of 195 Russian military personnel from captivity in Ukraine, indicating their transfer for medical treatment and rehabilitation in Moscow. The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying, “On January 31, as a result of negotiations, 195 Russian military personnel, who faced mortal danger in captivity in territories controlled by the Kiev regime, were returned.” The statement added, “In return, 195 Ukrainian prisoners of war were returned to Kyiv.” The statement clarified that the released soldiers would be transported to Moscow by military transport aircraft belonging to the Russian Air Force for medical treatment and rehabilitation in medical facilities under the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Not the first time for Emirati mediation 

This is not the first time for the UAE to play a significant role in negotiations for the return of 248 Russian soldiers. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced in a statement the recovery of 248 Russian soldiers. The Russian Defense Ministry announced, Wednesday, the recovery of 248 soldiers in a prisoner exchange with Ukraine, for the first time in several months after Kiev accused Moscow of obstructing negotiations in this regard.

The Russian military statement read: “On January 3 of this year, as a result of difficult negotiation process, 248 Russian soldiers were returned from territories controlled by the Kiev regime,” according to the statement, citing the Russian news agency TASS.

The statement noted that the return of the Russian soldiers from captivity “became possible thanks to the humanitarian mediation of the UAE.”

The statement clarified that all released Russian soldiers are receiving necessary medical and psychological care, and Russian military transport aircraft will deliver the military personnel for treatment and rehabilitation in medical facilities under the Ministry of Defense.

On his part, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky separately confirmed the release of over 200 Ukrainian prisoners from Russia, according to Reuters.

This is not the first time the two sides have exchanged a number of prisoners during the ongoing war for the past 22 months.

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