
Tunisia: Muslim Brotherhood conspiracies to take control of the country; Details

Day after day, the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia is revealed, between cases of corruption, terrorism, and incitement. During the past few hours, 16 people from the governorate of Kasserine in central Tunisia were involved in forging scientific certificates in order to obtain jobs in a number of municipalities.

The public prosecutor’s office in the Court of First Instance had authorized minors to keep them after the accusations of forgery were proven against them.

Muslim Brotherhood Fraud

The Brotherhood’s plans were to appoint individuals affiliated with the organization in various state institutions. The terrorist group has circumvented the law through forgery operations to ensure that its members reside in various positions in various Tunisian state bodies. This case has raised controversy about the presence of many government jobs in the education, financial, health, and other sectors through the forging of various scientific certificates over the past years.

Inheritance of positions

Dr. Oussama Aouidet, a Tunisian political analyst and leader of the Tunisian People’s Movement, said: “The corruption file involving many Brotherhood members confirms and exposes the nepotism with which the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood used to operate. This reveals many scandals in this most dangerous case of inheriting positions from their affiliates in a number of state institutions and ministries”.

The Tunisian political analyst added that the direct investigations revealed that the Renaissance Brotherhood movement had made thousands of suspicious appointments through forged certificates in various ministries and sectors, and that these incidents related to corruption and forgery were discovered after the fall of that Brotherhood movement.

Not new

Mohamed Al-Friedi, Secretary General of the National Association of University Graduates, said that the falsification of certificates is not new, but that it is repeated and appeared in certain political contexts and then closed because of the lack of completion of investigations. He pointed out that the National Association of University Graduates demanded to be an observer party in investigations into the cases of falsification of scientific certificates, and they submitted their demands to the judiciary.

This is confirmed by Tawfiq Al-Shahabi, a member of the Union of Basic Education, who said that a number of teachers were not hired and are being investigated in the case of forged scientific certificates. Financial and administrative inspectors were sent to verify their files in order to restore the right to their owners and hold forgers of scientific certificates accountable, as he put it. Al-Shahabi added that they condemn all suspicions of fraud and forgery, and that the allegations of involvement of trade union entities in the fraud of certificates or the occupation of people in positions that do not match their scientific qualifications are baseless.

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