
Tunisia – Political forces preparing to confront the plans of the Muslim Brotherhood Ennahdha

The Tunisian state, headed by Kais Saied, continues its efforts to achieve political and social stability in Tunisia through a road map for building the new republic, which was called for by the Tunisian president after the decisions of last July to dissolve the government and parliament controlled by the Ennahdha Movement. The Tunisian state works to confront the challenges and Brotherhood schemes aimed at discrediting the actions of the state in order to thwart the preparation of a new constitution for the country or the holding of new legislative elections.

Political reform

Dr. Atef Saadawy, a researcher and political analyst, says that Tunisian President Kais Saied is working on implementing his political and constitutional reform project, which is based on correcting the course, and able to get Tunisia out of its long stumbling block, and spare it from future scenarios that are the best, most optimistic, and worst catastrophic. He added that the road map, which set key stages for the political process in a year, is approaching the due date of the two most important stages in it, both in chronological order and also in order of importance, the referendum on the new draft constitution, which is set for July 25, and the second is the organization of legislative elections according to a new electoral law on December 17.

Foiling Brotherhood Plans

For her part, Dr. Badra Gaaloul, Director of the National Center for Strategic Studies in Tunisia, said that the Tunisian state is preparing for a new battle to build and stabilize its security and all its institutions, which will affect all the absurd plans that the Ennahdha Brotherhood is undertaking to thwart the movements of the new republic in Tunisia. She added that Tunisia is scheduled to vote on the new constitution, followed by the legislative elections, pointing out that there is a role for political blocs in preparation for the elections and the battle of the constitution to thwart the plans of the Brotherhood, which aims at re-establishing itself in the political life by joining other parties and blocs in order to reestablish political presence.

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