
Tunisia: the President Kais Saied refused the constitutional court amendments

Tunisian President Kais Saied rejected signing the Constitutional Court Law amendments presented by the parliament, with fear that they could be used to overthrow him. In fact, the decision of Saied increases the political tensions between the presidency and parliament, and the government supported by Ennahda Movement.

Furthermore, Kais sent a letter to Speaker Rached Ghannouchi, indicating the he refuse the amendments, appealing for respecting all provisions of the constitution.

Otherwise, constitutional law experts expressed their worries about the recent amendments that could be used to eliminate Saied from office. However, the parliament agreed the approved revisions of the draft bill for electing members of the Constitutional Court and reduced the number of votes from 145 to only 131.

In fact, Ghannouchi proposed the amendment to reduce the number of votes constitutionally necessary to reach the members of the court to 109 votes that representing the total majority.

Nevertheless, observers said that Ennahda could get the necessary number of votes to reach certain candidates to the Constitutional Court. Besides, the president refused the ministerial amendment that was executed by Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and accepted by the parliament.

It should note that the Constitutional Court could cease the president of the republic’s term, and indicates the position of president vacant, receive the presidential promise and evaluate disagreements linked to the jurisdiction of the president and prime minister. It also has an essential role in monitoring constitutional amendments and treaties, draft laws and measures connected to the parliament’s internal system.

In the meantime, Arab League Sec-Gen Ahmed Aboul Gheit, started on Sunday a visit to Tunis, after an official invitation in the context of coordination and consultation with Tunisia as the present president of the 30th Arab summit.

Moreover, an official at the League’s General Secretariat stated that during the visit, Aboul Gheit is programmed to gather with the Tunisian president to talk about many Arab subjects, such as the situation in Libya, the Palestinian cause, and the ongoing Arab crises.

The same source said that the discussions between the summit presidency and the General Secretariat comprise all decisions of the 30th Arab summit. They would also examine procedures that could be executed, in the exceptional situations that the Arab region and the world lived because of the coronavirus pandemic.

It’s also expected that the Secretary-General would gather the Foreign Minister Othman al-Jerandi to debate subjects of common interest between Tunisia and the General Secretariat. Abul Gheit would gather with directors of specialized Arab organizations operating in Tunisia to discuss the role of the common Arab action in helping member states mitigate the effects and repercussions of COVID-19.

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