
Tunisian analyst: The Muslim Brotherhood suffers from confusion, crises, and a state of delusion

In a move by a Muslim Brotherhood new scheme in Tunisia to affect the state of stability and attempt to distort the Tunisian states, where it launched a Brotherhood call that will not, according to observers, find any echoes in the political scene in Tunisia, which raises questions about its significance.

Brotherhood Terrorism

The new head of the Ennahdha Muslim Brotherhood, Mondher El-Ounissi, called for early presidential elections, saying his political faction cannot be surpassed in practice.

Observers believe that it may be a trial balloon to monitor the reaction to the possibility of the Brotherhood competing in the elections scheduled for the fall of next year. Observers also believe that the movement may wish to convey a message to the Tunisian presidency that it is ready to return to the political scene and recognize the legitimacy of the measures introduced by Tunisian President Kais Saied, who dissolved the Brotherhood parliament and made amendments to the country’s constitution, which went through a popular referendum.

Failed attempts

Mondher Guefrach, a Tunisian political analyst, says: The Muslim Brotherhood movement is living in a state of illusion. Despite the closure of all its headquarters in the various governorates and its legal prohibition from organizing any meetings and the arrest of all its prominent leaders, it is still talking about the size of its false popularity. He pointed out that the Muslim Brotherhood movement is facing criminal cases that are sufficient to end its existence, including espionage, conspiracy, terrorism, political assassinations and espionage.

The Tunisian political analyst added that President Kais Saied will hold the presidential elections on time and will not be postponed or early, and that the Muslim Brotherhood’s attempt to hold early elections is an attempt to inflame the situation in Tunisia and stir up chaos in the country, pointing out that the Brotherhood organization in Tunisia is in a state of confusion that made it use all the tools through which it seeks to return to the scene.

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