
Tunisian Studies Center Director: Solving the municipalities is a purification of Tunisia from terrorism and a devastating blow to the Muslim Brotherhood organization

In the past period, the Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood has relied on municipal councils to control the state’s joints and violate the law to serve the international organization of the group, after their miserable failure in the country. Despite the confinement of the Brotherhood in the corner and the end of their rule, their representatives in the municipalities still roam and work secretly for the benefit of their organization, which has become a threat to the country.

A decisive blow to the Muslim Brotherhood

In the past hours, the Tunisian President, Kais Saied, announced his intention to dissolve all municipal councils and replace them with special delegations (temporary councils to manage them). The latest nail in the coffin of the Ennahdha Movement, the political arm of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, and it is a new decisive blow from the Tunisian regime against this terrorist organization. This urgent measure comes to control the municipal councils and purify them from the elements of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood organization, and hold those responsible for financial and political corruption accountable, which is the most prominent demand of Tunisians to end a dark era in Tunisia’s history.

The Risks of the Muslim Brotherhood

Dr. Badra Gaaloul, the head of the National Center for Strategic Studies in Tunisia, says that the Tunisian government is making great efforts to confront the danger of this terrorist group that has been working for years to spread in all state positions. There are prominent leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood organization who are still in several municipal positions, despite their involvement in financial corruption cases, embezzlement of public funds, and facilitating suspicious operations for the benefit of the Ennahdha Party and its goals, contrary to Tunisian law, but they are still carrying out their duties.

Exceptional measures

The head of the National Center for Strategic Studies in Tunisia added that the decision to dissolve municipalities is part of the exceptional measures announced since July 2021 to thwart the terrorist plans of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia, stressing that dissolving municipal councils is a decisive blow to the Ennahdha movement and its gangs.

Gaaloul emphasized that the accountability train has started and will not stop until every person who has committed a crime against Tunisia is held accountable, especially since the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated various municipalities, and this decision will nullify their plans to target the security and stability of Tunisia, especially given the numerous crises facing the Islamist Ennahdha movement due to its involvement in many terrorist and corruption charges.

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