
Turkey continues to violate Iraqi sovereignty

Despite denunciations and demands.. Turkey continues its violations of Iraqi Sovereignty

Despite numerous denunciations and demands, Turkey continues its military infringements of Iraqi sovereignty, occupying tens of kilometers deep into Iraqi territory and positioning dozens of barracks and military points within the Kurdistan Region as well.

Abbas Sarout, a member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, said that Turkey’s justifications for the Turkish incursion into Iraqi territory are that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party forces threaten their security and the right of reply is guaranteed according to their vision. He pointed out that this clear violation of state sovereignty showed the weakness of the government Iraq is suffering from.

He added that the combat forces in Iraq still suffer from a shortage of equipment, pointing out that the combat equipment is not at the required level, as it is less efficient for the neighboring countries, adding that the Turkish government claims that there is coordination with the Iraqi government on the incursion of its forces into our territories.

“The number of Turkish troops inside Iraq is about 3,000, a figure that could be increased with the possibility of large-scale ground operations.”

The Turkish Ministry of Defense said in a statement earlier that it continues to purge the area of terrorists with firmness and determination, adding that the Turkish Armed Forces managed to neutralize nine terrorists in the area of Operations Claw-Tiger.

“On 17 January, Turkey launched Operations Claw-Tiger in Haftanin in northern Iraq against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, the second operation in northern Iraq after Claw-Tiger, which began on 15 June.”

“There are 4,000 Kurdistan Workers’ Party -affiliated militants in the Kurdistan Region, and Sinjar, the areas of Ankara’s greatest concern, with the anti-Turkish party in power in Sinjar for more than two years, and the governments of Baghdad and Erbil concluded an agreement last year to rid the city of militants, including the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.”

Ahmed al-Sharifi, a security specialist, said the government’s decision to allow US forces to leave Iraq will allow Turkish forces to move further into Iraqi territory to reinforce their presence in preparation for 2023. He added that the political decision-maker does not have the ability to confront and engage Turkey, and that the pressurized resources in the confrontation lack the required level.

Al-Sharifi said the relationship between Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazimi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of the reasons Turkish forces remain in Iraq. He said Kazimi’s visit to Turkey was not a visit by a president, but rather a visit by a friend.

Hamza Mustafa, a political analyst, said the current and previous government’s position on Turkish violations does not rise to the level of responsibility. He added that diplomacy alone is not enough to end the violations, and that the government can only issue statements or summon the Turkish ambassador.

Mustafa believes that the national position must be unified, and that the government should use the cards to pressure Turkey and invest in the commercial aspect that is between Iraq and Turkey.

At the end of August, Defense Minister Jumaa Anad stressed that Turkish military violations of Iraq’s sovereignty are justified, referring to international agreements and commitments linking the two countries. During his participation in the Al-Rafidain Dialog Forum in Baghdad, he said that Turkish violations of Iraq’s sovereignty are justified, and that the Turkish army is fighting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which is present in the rugged territories of the Kurdistan Region and northern Iraq.

Speaking about Iraq’s sovereignty, Anad added that all problems started after the US forces entered Iraq to overthrow the former regime, adding that the country is bound by international laws, treaties and conventions.

He pointed out that the issue of the Turkish incursion into Iraq’s borders is different, noting that the Iraqi government is about to establish a joint Iraqi-Turkish center to manage military operations.

The minister said there is joint coordination between Iraq and Turkey, but not with all incidents and operations. He called for mutual coordination and Turkish behavior not to be linked to the country’s sovereignty.

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