Arabian Gulf

”Turkia 24” reveals the Qatari regime’s use of Turkish forces to suppress popular protests

The Qatari authorities have requested the assistance of Turkish troops stationed in Qatar to establish security and stability in the face of angry popular demonstrations, ”Turkia 24” newspaper revealed on Tuesday.

The Turkish-language newspaper said: The Qatari authorities are using Turkish troops stationed in Qatar to establish security and stability. In an interview with a British newspaper, Erdogan stressed the role of his country’s troops stationed in the Gulf state, but observers believed that Erdogan exaggerated the issue.

For the money

According to the newspaper, Erdogan said: “Turkish forces in Qatar serve the stability and peace of the Gulf region and should not be bothered by that,” he said, adding that the two countries have strategic relations, especially in the field of defense.

According to ”Turkia 24”, analysts say: Erdogan’s statements seek to exaggerate the role of the Turkish forces, explaining the Turkish President’s desire to obtain Qatari funds, as confirmed by the website of “Ahval Turkiya” newspaper specialized in Turkish affairs.

Experts also noted that the Turks margin of action in Qatar may be very limited, as they are in a very sensitive area for the United States, which maintains a strong military presence in the Gulf state and deploys 8000 American troops.

Reassurance to the Ruler

The US forces stationed there are taking part in military operations that extend across the region, the newspaper said. In contrast, there are 1500 Turkish soldiers in Qatar, who are stationed at Al Rayyan and Tariq Ibn Ziyad bases. For this reason, experts describe the Turkish military presence in Qatar as symbolic, regardless of its size, and believe that its role cannot go beyond the “psychological” dimension in providing reassurance to the ruling family.

The ”Turkia 24” newspaper questioned the reason behind the presence of the Turkish forces or how important they are?

The newspaper noted that Erdogan’s visit to Qatar came shortly after the price of the Turkish lira fell, with the U.S. dollar reaching 7.9 lira, the worst drop ever. It also appears in light of the extremely costly tensions that Turkey is experiencing from the eastern Mediterranean to the southern Caucasus. In the same interview, Erdogan stressed the benefits of relations between the two countries, especially in the field of defense. “Given Qatar’s modest capabilities in this area, Turkey is trying to maintain its security and defense relationship with Qatar, despite the doubts of most security and military experts about its feasibility.”

Cooperation for Turkey

According to the newspaper, observers often question equal opportunities to benefit from the rapidly developing relations between Ankara and Doha, seeing the balance as being entirely on the Turkish side and not in Qatar’s favor. Erdogan stressed that joint ventures in the military, security and defense industries are the backbone of relations between Turkey and Qatar.

Erdogan added: He noted that his country’s exports to Qatar reached about 10% last year, noting that there are currently 500 Turkish companies operating in Qatar. He said only Turkish construction companies have undertaken projects worth nearly $18.5 billion in Qatar.

The news about the deployment of Turkish troops to protect the Qatari regime in Doha follows a wave of popular anger over the exclusion of Qatari tribes from political life and their denial of civil and political rights as stipulated in international agreements and human rights.

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